
Foxfire9's picture
The fawn stood up on the rock and looked around wondering why no one seemed to be around. The fawn, SilentFoxen, decided to continue her search for a friend somewhere else.
She trotted to the Twin Gods statue and stared curiously at it. SilentFoxen pawed the ground. Nothing happened...She stamped her feet angrily. Still nothing happened.
Frusterated, she laid down to wait again.

There was a second Abiogenesis?! After the one i missed? Today? No wonder it was twilight again...I obviously dont have the patience to wait for curious things to happen! Smiling
But please could someone leave a comment on one of my posts if they think something is happening? Id like to see the 'Abio' thing!
Anzel's picture

Sorry that you missed the

Sorry that you missed the mini-Abio (i -think- i heard that there was one, MAYBE)...but hey, look on the bright side: It's twilight, the bats are twittering about, the Birch Forest is glowing, the fireflies are flying, it's beautiful right now :3