
Her's picture

noun, verb, -lenced, -lenc·ing

1. absence of any sound or noise; stillness.
2. the state or fact of being silent; muteness.
3. absence or omission of mention, comment, or expressed concern: the conspicuous silence of our newspapers on local graft.
4. the state of being forgotten; oblivion: in the news again after years of silence.
5. concealment; secrecy.

–verb (used with object)
6. to put or bring to silence; still.
7. to put (doubts, fears, etc.) to rest; quiet.


· 19
· male
· Icelandic/English

· mute by choice, but is otherwise extremely quiet when out of resources
· communicates through writing: texting, typing, or by hand with ink
· Icelandic accent is very heavy despite shockingly fluent English spoken like a gentleman
· bibliophile; hoards books to the point of his dorm looking like a library
· has a very inflated, to-death phobia of automobiles (specifically cars)
· two out of four walls at his actual home's room is shelving absolutely crammed top to bottom with book after book
· his room's floor is littered with paper either written on or not
· loves coffee and Andes mints
· appears rather flat and blunt in his personality
· has the tendency to be very stubborn despite looking so gentle
· can quote Romeo and Juliet/recite the whole thing by heart even if he pretty much lacks heavily at being romantic
· wears his watch backwards (so the face is on the back of his wrist)
· left-handed
· pale
· absolutely refuses to ask for help, especially on homework--even if a friend has the answer and he's stressing out over it
· excessively tired and therefore seems always ill, feigning weakness and sleeping out of seemingly nowhere (slight narcolepsy)
· vegetarian
· favors diamond-shaped patterns
· is very difficult to make laugh, let alone chuckle
· void; spaces off a lot

· the Icelandic instrument of the Langspil for the basic foundation and his pen name ♥
· Hans, for his hair
· Romeo x Juliet's Benvolio (here) a bit for the personality and logic (and, vaguely, dressing style)
· Uruha for the quiet-like atmosphere he brings
· honey and "yellow cinnamon" for the descriptions of his eye color
· incense or dim lighting
· caramel
· Old English, Renaissance-like anything
· my old characters Mir and Lamb for their combined traits being shared yet somewhat tweaked to have Lan borrow
· Sigur Rós

This is a rough layout unfinished for a more RP-based character of mine I figured I'd share for TEF because Vandettta wanted to see a biography of him. c:
Her's picture

test comment

test comment

tracking for awesomeness

tracking for awesomeness


Oh~ho~ho~ho Smiling <~twack~>

GingerNut's picture

*spreadstracksEVERYWHERE* I'v

I've fallen in looooove~ c8
Munkel's picture

Omg I love the CSS T^T and

Omg I love the CSS T^T
and kalfjj &hearts -loves all this anyway-
Her's picture

;n; aw thanks guys &hearts;

;n; aw thanks guys ♥




/sets up camp/

This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
Her's picture

/crawls into your tent and

/crawls into your tent and UNFs/


don't let the children see

don't let the children see babe ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
or do let them
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.