Shutterfly In My Eyes (RP - Open)

Shaila's picture
Hello everyone :3 I'm very new to this site and I am using little posts like this to get more in character with my girl :3 She doesn't have a bio up yet, so I will just explain her to the best of my abilities. If you have a question about her please don't hesitate to ask! I'm always looking for new deer to add to Shaila's relationships so feel free to post up friendship/sibling/etc ideas as well! :3


The fawn strutted through the forest, head held high with a halo of purple flowers displaying her imaginary rank as queen of the forest. Her steps were high, lighthearted as she was, as she halted and gave a dignified cough. "My loyal subjects..." she began, keeping her head high as she looked down to a patch of butterflies resting on a patch of grass "The time has come for me to ask something of you. I require the crimson Holy Flower... I require you to search far and wide for this spectacle!" With that, she shook her head and smiled at them. She nodded, the butterflies escaping in every direction. The ones that disappeared to the right of her, however, disappeared prematurely. The loss of sight in her right eye never slowed the fawn down. She was adapted to it due to it being a birth defect. Like other misfortunes in her life, she merely looked the other way and ignored it. To most she kept it a secret... As of now there was only one deer alive that she knew of that was aware of it, and her state was currently unknown. Her mother, separated from her when a great storm struck lightning down upon their thicket. The doe and fawn had scampered away, only to find themselves alone. She wished for her mother to find her, but she was too proud to say so. For now she would continue on as she was, with her shutterflies as companions in her royal empire of her imagination.


Basically Shaila is all alone, and never really knew her father because he had many doe's that he had children by. She saw him but never really knew him as her father figure. She also had a sister sibling who was stillborn, but is open to have other brothers and sisters since her father had many children. She is a tad quiet around others, as well as proud and strong-willed, despite her visual impairment. That's all I've got for her so far! Feel free to add a relation, or just reply with your character!! :3
Shaila's picture

Wow... fixed whatever coding

Wow... fixed whatever coding problems made the text HUGE hahaha. Hopefully it's much easier to read XD

Embyr's picture

Sam wandered through the

Sam wandered through the forest with heavy steps. Everywhere there were small groups of deer, but she was too much of a coward to aproach them. Hearing a sweet, high voice in front of her, she stopped and looked around cautiously. A fawn with a crown of purple flowers was in front of her, orating an important speech to a group of insects. It made her heart feel lighter to see the happy fawn.The golden doe giggled as she watched the fawn play with the butterflies.