I decided to just repost this on my blog...
And..not to be mean to anybody, but what's supposed to go on these things are really personal things that
nobody else knows. Not just your fears. Sorry if I seem really upset or mean by it..I really don't mean to be.
*is afraid of posting hers*
Aw, Patch... *nuzzles* I
*sighs*...I was yelled at
D: I loved reading about
Laruna: I tried to be brutally honest about myself. :\ Although, it did make my girlfriend bawl when she read it..
I want to make a new one,
I'm kind-of tearing up :/ The "happy" people are making me want to leave TEF.
D: Don't leave,
I do dislike that they did a happy version of Shout it Out, too. :\
WHAT?! Don't listen to
Whatever...I don't have the
Aw..alright. ._. I still
Yeah, I agree with Patchi
***Plumeria and Olive's bio***