xDD Yes, that is me! And NO WAY could I EVER be a model! Out of, say the 131 photos on my camera, 87 of which are of me and my friends, those are the only TWO that I look half decent in. xDD -Photogenic fail-
But that's ever so sweet of you to say! -Adds a point to self-esteem, and squish hugs you-
D'aawwwwhhh.... Thank yous! -Blushes til she asplodes-.
I'm sure you don't! Practice in a mirror [sounds gay, i know], and try smiling without teeth showing/with teeth showing. Me, I have straight teeth, but when I smile for the camera with them on show, I look like a clown! x_X
[Glares at her photo]... Why is my right eye looking in a TOTALLY different direction to my left!? O___o
Pffffft, you don't need pictures! Just a snazzy background, or your fursona, or ANYTHING! And they WOULD NOT BURN!! They would glow with radiance. -Buys sun glasses in peparation-
Thanks Q-mart! -Huggles-, It's the first thing people notice about me. They don't tend to remember my name, just "Hey look, it's that girl with all the hair!"... 8B
-Boots again- DYING SUNS ARE PRETTY TOO! They are called white dwarfs. -Smug- Oooh, sounds snazzeyh! Want to seeeee!
Is that you??!? You Look
Snowrift's Updates
xDD Yes, that is me! And NO
But that's ever so sweet of you to say! -Adds a point to self-esteem, and squish hugs you-
No really! Your really
Snowrift's Updates
D'aawwwwhhh.... Thank yous!
I'm sure you don't! Practice in a mirror [sounds gay, i know], and try smiling without teeth showing/with teeth showing. Me, I have straight teeth, but when I smile for the camera with them on show, I look like a clown! x_X
[Glares at her photo]... Why is my right eye looking in a TOTALLY different direction to my left!? O___o
ZOMG jou ish prettyyyy <3
-- Dannii <3
lfjf;lkfjs Stop doing these. NOW I MUST.
- - -
The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
ajhd;lad;ajjjj, I IS NOT
DOITDOITDOIT!! I want to read you!!!! ......That sounds... odd... xDD
And if I was a guy I would so date you.
YEAH except I don't have any pictures of myself. 8C
IF I DID I would burn your eyes anyway. c:
- - -
The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
Pffffft, you don't need pictures! Just a snazzy background, or your fursona, or ANYTHING! And they WOULD NOT BURN!! They would glow with radiance. -Buys sun glasses in peparation-
c; ohpshhhhh I am certainly
ohpshhhhh I am certainly not as pretty as you. <3
FURSONA okay. My weird wolfhuskyzebra thing.
- - -
The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
Pleeeeeh, I BET YOU ARE
.... How... how did that work!? Evolution gone... wrong? xDD I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT! <33
I wish i was as beautiful as
Your hair is awesome!
A DYING SUN. -kicked- LOL I
LOL I don't know. The poor thing is actually a husky but has been called a wolf many times and has zebra stripes on her legs lol<3
- - -
The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
sahlsa; GUYS!! You make me
Thanks Q-mart! -Huggles-, It's the first thing people notice about me. They don't tend to remember my name, just "Hey look, it's that girl with all the hair!"... 8B
-Boots again- DYING SUNS ARE PRETTY TOO! They are called white dwarfs. -Smug- Oooh, sounds snazzeyh! Want to seeeee!
*joins in with the 'woah is
I havent been depressed either XD not many things really get to me or stay with me long to make me sad.
xD send your spiders to me, they can eat all the mosquitos that are gradually coming back x_x