Hiya! I'm certainly not new to the forest, I just made a new charrie deer.
His name is "Shimmy!"
And yes, he has a pictogram that pretty much is, "UH"!
I used it cause well, his actions and personality just might make you go, well, "Uh...weirdo?"
You may remember my other character from awhile ago, "Shibushi?" And my even older one, "Yumi"? Probably not, though. xD;
hello! ^^ ~~ EMIVA'S
That's awesome. xD I love
I met him, he was a curious
but he wasn't hard to get along with.
I love how you actually got a backround from the game
and drew him in it that's cool ^_^
LOL i saw him yesterday! He
Yes well, he kinda does that
Especially when certain deer lean down to get a drink. Hehe. >D
luv it!
luv it!
I remember Shibushi! I love
I love it !!