July 28, 2012 - 5:38pm — OrinocoFlow
Orinoco stirred softly on the grass. Nightmares were invading her sleep yet again and she could not take it. For weeks this had been going on and only recently did it grow to a peak that was unbearable. Even when awake they seemed to be there, gnawing on her consciousness like a dog ravaging an old bone. It was maddening and she had purposely avoided both her mate and daughter as she did not want them to see her like this. Laying her head to the grass she cried, she cried for a long time then suddenly, like a gust of wind from an unknown source the onslaught on her mind vanished. The doe smiled and in an instant passed out. She was asleep for hours. When she awoke she felt tired still and she felt sore this confused her the most. Looking at herself, or what she could see she noted small scratch marks. Perhaps a squirrel or rabbit had been climbing on me she thought then slowly rose. She felt lethargic and her mind was swimming. Despite this however she seemed to have more energy. With her new found strength and serenity she sniffed out her daughter and mate. When she found both together she smiled then slowly walked to greet them. Oh how happy she was to see them, and them her. Making her way to where they had been sitting she sat down and nuzzled them both when they joined her. For the first time in a long time Orinoco believed today was going to be a good day and only get better from there.
How wrong she was. Fever began to make it's way into her body. The small cuts and scraps grew to an angry red and swelled to the size of pine cones. Cold sweat permeated her fur making it greasy and her breathing was heavy. As it grew harder and harder to breath she started to cough and a black, sludge like substance spewed from her mouth.She turned her gaze sympathetically to her mate and daughter. How incredibly infantile it was of her to approach them before fully healing. Now her darling family had to see her in such a horrid state. She tried to stand but her legs just would not cooperate. After a second attempt a laugh filled the air about the group. Another joined. Both voices were coming from "inside" Orinoco. With a flash of black light two shadowy wolves stood before them. Their form constantly shifted , like a shadow. Before Orinoco could respond her eyes went blank and her head lowered to the grass. In one of the demons "hands" was her pictogram. Her name. Her soul.
Thissss is ourssss one of them hissed then cackled. The second joined in the laughing. You thought your preciousss mother beat ussssss the second commented. Both laughed darkly then in a motion so fluid it could be described as water melting with a stream, the shadows combined and Orinoco's soul made up a "gem" like centerpiece on their chest. The black stag that was before them laughed, his voice deep and violent. Not to mention his size was nothing to sniff at. Have fun with your mother deary It laughed sending the comment directly to little Cali. With another laugh it turned and began to walk away leaving the group to tend to the now empty shell that Orinoco was.....
Alright guys hope you can work with this :3
Hello I know I'm not apart
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
thanks :3 (OH forgot to add
(OH forgot to add anyone interested in reading may Track this just don't post :3)
~ C.S. Lewis
~ C.S. Lewis
Brooks stood over his mate
"Calida. Do you know anything of this?"
(bumps so 08 can see :3) Your
~ C.S. Lewis
Oh hey
Calida was, as stated, overjoyed to have her mother around again. She gave cuddles and nuzzles to both her parents, as happy and content as a little fawn could be. When her mother started getting worse, however, Calida's happiness slowly started to fade, curling up with her and trying to comfort her with licks and face-washings. But when she heard the laughs she froze, her ears drooped to their lowest and her tail tucked under, shivering in fear as she coiled into her mother as much as she could. She stared in horror as her mother went limp, not daring to take her eyes off her to see the demons, or her father standing up for them. She shook her head. "....mama? ......Mama!" she becomes frantic, trying to nuzzle her awake. 'oh no, not again!' she thinks in her mind, a double-voice to her that only she's been able to hear, both herself as Calida and herself as Orin's reincarnated mother (Which Calida is temporarily still unaware of). Too shocked for tears, she tries again, pushing with her hooves now into her mother's side. "Mama! Mama!" her cries become panicked screams, and that's when the tears start. She slowly ceases as the demon walks away with her mother's soul, resorting to climbing onto her mother's back and snuggling in with her body. She barely looks up at her father's question, shaking her head. Anyone sensitive to magical properties will see Calida's feathers start to glow, but remains unchanged to "normal" deer.
(daw omg I almost started
~ C.S. Lewis
Brooks could not see his
(About time, lmao! ^_^
Calida cries out, trying to fight against him till what he said sinks in. She puts her little shiny hooves on the earth, looking up at him with her deep green eyes, sniffling. "Mama won't turn ta fowers?" she asks, recalling what had happened to Valeska when she had stopped moving. She looks back at Orin, noticing she's still somewhat moving with her breathing but is otherwise still. Despite this small reassurance, Calida's magic keeps growing. She nuzzles into Brooks' leg, almost leaning on him. "I's help mama too." she says with reserve. "I need ta. Got ta." She sniffles a bit more before moving to Orin, leaning down to place a few licks on her forehead where the light fur meets the dark. Something in her head, something she thought was normal, moved in her head. A flash, a vision, appeared in her mind for just a brief moment. She stumbled a little, the vision causing her vertigo. She slowly lowers herself to the ground, shaking her head, trying to make sense of it.
Brooks cocked his head at his
Calida looked helpless, maybe
Brooks had been wandering
The black beings had
~ C.S. Lewis
/munches popcorn/ This with
This with Orin always interested me. Don't mind me, just watchin'.
All Pathes Eventually Cross
Brooks whipped his head to
"Bring it."
The demons laughed in unison
~ C.S. Lewis
"If you so much as get near
The demon was surprised at
~ C.S. Lewis
What have I gotten myself
The demons grew silent for a
~ C.S. Lewis
Calida caught up with her
Brooks pulled away from the
The demons laughed loudly,"NO
~ C.S. Lewis
"NOOOOO!!!!" Cali screams
Calida! Had she been
The creature hissed and
~ C.S. Lewis
Brooks frowned and shook his
Calida slides across the
Calida does as her head asks, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. When they open again her face is turned into determination, her eyes reflect Orin's mother's eyes perfectly. She stands and walks steadily towards the fight, feathers in full glow. She speaks out loud, clearly in the mature doe's voice, none of Calida left. "You have threatened my daughter. You threaten my wedded son and my precious granddaughter - me - and I will not allow you to do this again!" she says sternly. She stands next to Brooks, being careful of the tines. She whispers to him. "Distract him. I'll go for the gem" She gives him a very slight nod with a motherly look that tells him to obey without question.
(Remember, they won't be gone for good, but they won't return to orin's dreams either.)
Brooks nodded ever so
The demons were now fully
~ C.S. Lewis
'Calida' stood and glared,
The demons thought this over
~ C.S. Lewis
(Anyway, this is one of the best rps I`ve seen. Good luck you three
-sits next to Sicily and takes some popcorn-
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
(Yep! And a little detail for
Cali was swept away without another word, her very quick look to Brooks apologetic. All that remins of her in this world are three feathers - the one in the tines of her father, the one her best friend holds (non-magical one), and a last third one, crumpled on the ground where Calida last stood, still glowing blue.
(Last feather for Orin.)
*back under the
Orinoco sturred, energy seemed to return to her in an instant and all that had surpassed seemed like a dream, as if it had not happened. But it did and her pelt was proof. It seemed..darker. Slowly she stood and found her legs were not weak. The scent of Calida and Brooks was fresh but where were they? A dark menacing scent also filled the air and this brought fear into her. Without any second thought she ran, following the scent....when she reached the ruins she was not prepared for what she saw. Brooks, battered, bruised and bleeding and on the ground..two feathers and one in Brooks antlers..of her darling daughter. "Brooks....what happened...where...where is our daughter" she asked him coming close and immediately began to lick his wounds.
The code you see is her new "language" as her body is no longer tainted by demons.
~ C.S. Lewis
Brooks stood motionless,
Something made noise behind him. Glancing back and wincing once he felt a warm tongue on his scrapes and gashes, he rested his head back on the ground. "Orin, I..." He looked up at where the portal had been and pulled the remaining feather over to them with his hoof. "I couldn't..."
Orinoco looked at the stag
~ C.S. Lewis
He shut his eyes as she
Orinoco was silent for a long
~ C.S. Lewis
Brooks still stood as he
Orinoco could not move , she
-end rp-
All those who have been reading you may now post comments ^_^
~ C.S. Lewis
(No subject)
whoa pretty o,o
~ C.S. Lewis
Thanks!! I used both programs
Nice feather. o.o I really
I really shouldn't draw when tired.
Awwwww!!!! *Cries* you and
I think I need to practice drawing the two of you so I can make my own >.>
WOOT WOOT -claps loudly-
So.... is Calida never coming back?
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Well their spirits ARE one in
@CYDA I know right XD I drew
I know right XD I drew the picture on Orinoco's bio when I was sleepy too -_-
I love your picture, the humanoid look is epic!!!
~ C.S. Lewis