Something small I did to spread the word of the game's remake. I hope they will be able to collect all the funds!
I haven't been active here for quite a while, but still been drawing deer every now and then.
The white deer is the first character I've created 7 years ago, on this community. Now his human counterpart is gonna be part of a big comic project and I'm super excited to still be able to work with him!
He's changed so much but I'll always remember his awkward but necessary beginnings.
<3 seeing you around is a
seeing you around is a treat, and your art is always such a joy to look at
Honestly, I truly love your
These are really amazing, I'm
Ahhhh, here's a sight for
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Been reblogging this from
♥ What StarL.said!!
♥ ♥
It's nice to see all these
I really love this art style
Also, wb Munkel!
This is gorgeous, I admire
;-; Your style has always
Aw thank you Keepiru, I'm
And thank you CrossTrot and Ephriam, I'm happy you guys like my style (don't be jealous tho ;o; )
Wow, I already loved your
Great to see you and your art
seeing you and your art here
Thank you! It's nice to see
Munkel!! It's cool you're
I still very much enjoy
Ahhh! I haven't been around
Ahhh! I haven't been around
<3 Ahhhhhhhh I remember the
*late but hey... is a relic that finally came back herself* >>
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"