Just a few little sketches I did for a quick exercise. It's been too long since I did anything substantial
1.) Whyss's parents were totally hippies when they were younger. And it just occurred to me today that I've -never- dropped his mother's name. -sneakyface-
2.) Here, have some pissy Shoe about to eat someone's face. I've done a couple of concept sketches of what his face should look like under the mask, but I don't think I'm ready to upload any of them yet.
3.) Everybody loves some awkward Empty Child, right?
4.) Shoe + Randomfawn and Whyss + SleepyfaceGarzim. If you couldn't tell, don't feel bad. They're mostly there so I don't have big huge emptyspace.
5.) What sound does the Crocodile make? NAM NAM NAM. Very good children. No, it's not fur, it's algae and moss.
D: I hope I haven't wasted your tiiiiime
I just feel like I don't pay enough attention to my characters sometimes
Also, no stealing/editing/tracing. Should be pretty obvious, there's a big ugly watermark on it.
Not wasting anyone's time Some of them are really cool. I really like the deers and the crocodile. The sketches are very simple but the anatomy is perfect.
Not wasting anyone's time
That crocodile is gorgeous!