Screenshots! (Semi-ImageHeavyplz)
August 3, 2010 - 6:53am — Angelfelis
Found them! Thank ya very much guys! ^^
I have no idea who anybody here is (Fail. XD), but we was having a dance parteh! >D
This was one of the dudes up there. ^^ Still don't know who he is, but would like to. =3 ..Hopefully he didn't mind me following after him. XD
I'm not sure who he is either, but he kept sneezing and changing his pelt/mask/antlers. Then he danced with meh! X3
Another dance parteh! X3 Still wish I knew who you peoplez were. D=
Lol, yeah, that's pretty much it. XD I'll try and get some more screenshots too. =3 Please identify yourselves! I would love to know who you are. ^^
If you're using Vista or XP,
Do you have Windows Vista or
EDIT: And I've been ninja'd. |D (XP doesn't have that button though.)
I have Vista. =3 And..
And.. alright, will check that when I get back on that computer. ^^
Thankies~ =)
Pfff oh yeah >> I got those
I got those two mixed up xD
Yay! I found them! ^^ Thank
Thank you both~ <3 I will edit this and post 'em. =3