[Screenshots] fawn cuddle pile

this is so beautiful to me. i'm not sure who all was here, but i know Eris, Saater, Rindea, and Fjara were in the group of fawns. Fernelescent was there too, I believe.

we met this deer, and all took turns casting spells and decorating them. i thought it was Yak until I saw the pictogram. i tried to find their profile, but it seems they don't have one yet, unless it was a map error. but they were lovely regardless. if they really do have a profile, let me know so I can edit this! <3 Rindea on the right!

I really enjoyed this outfit on them. the colors just went so well together. <3

casting more spells on them with Fern!

trying to wake the babies<3 (i believe Fjara and Eris)
I just love how Rindea and Fern are posed here.

dance party ensues! (unnamed deer, Rindea, Fernelescent, and Valaire.)

we bid Fern goodbye as she snuggled with the babies <3

nap time!

i'm happy to have finally met such known and active people among the community website here, (and the nameless deer too of course!!) i enjoy all your ocs very much! <3

had to edit this: widmung has joined the cuddle pile <3

These are such lovely

These are such lovely screenshots, thank you for documenting and sharing all of this, (especially the fawn pile one!! it's so cute AHHHHH)

I got hit with sudden tiredness during the little spell-spam, fawn dance party, and went for a nap Puzzled so I am afraid I have actually slept through the attempted waking up, oops LOL. I came back just in time to see Valaire cuddling Fjara in game though, and I must thank you for keeping him company. It was heartwarming to see a picto I recognize, despite us never meeting before! I was too late to say hello this time, but I can't wait to see you in the forest again, and to properly introduce our deer <3

signature by Atlas
forever sleepy

Oh my gosh, I love these

Oh my gosh, I love these screenshots so much! Especially the fawn pile aaaa, so precious. It was so lovely meeting you!! I was very much looking forward to it and now we finally happened to be online at the same time! ^^ I had so much fun! I hope to see you in the Forest again soon! <3

Signature by Fernelescent

Fjara, i totally agree, the

Fjara, i totally agree, the fawn one was too precious not to share! love the little tails. sleepy koi living up to his name i see! i was very happy for our deer to finally meet too, even just in a cuddle pile! just like Rindea, and Fern, i can tell you are one of the very treasured deer that keep the forest and community alive. it felt like hearing such good things about someone, and then finally getting to meet them!! i'm sure i will see you in the forest again soon! <3

Rindea, it was so lovely meeting you too! i was also looking forward to meeting you! Rindea is an outstandingly gorgeous character, i absolutely envy your talent <3

Signature by Fernelescent
Widmung's picture

Marvelous screenshots! Thank

Marvelous screenshots! Thank you for posting them! Smiling
Signature by Saater

Very nice screenshots. Thank

Very nice screenshots. Thank you.<3

Signature by Fernelescent

Such a cute screenshots! It

Such a cute screenshots!
It was so fun to have this spell spam party and give every set of pelt, masks and antlers fot this nameless deer, hopefully we could have more of these parties again ^^ It kind of bring people around and we can have even more fun all together.

Sadly i have to log off so early from the party, but nonetheless, I had so much fun <3

Art made by Saater

Ahh, I also fell asleep

Ahh, I also fell asleep during our fawn nap and ended up just sleeping until morning. Sad I wish the sound effects could wake me up. I do have a couple of screenshots from before though! Before and after fawnificaton. Sticking out tongue



Signature by Saater

Awww loving these screenshots

Awww loving these screenshots Oxyinco ^^

Art made by Saater

Widmung's picture

Thank you for sharing more of

Thank you for sharing more of these screenshots, Eris! Idea
Signature by Saater

thank you all, and thank you

thank you all, and thank you Eris for sharing those screenshots!! i love that you got a front view of all the babies!! thank you all for being so sweet and welcoming to me, all of you, i really appreciate your kindness and your company.

Signature by Fernelescent
Widmung's picture

"A Family Portrait" You have

"A Family Portrait"
You have all brighten my soul! Thank you for this wonderful time!
Signature by Saater

Hoodie, Eris, Widmung, I so

Hoodie, Eris, Widmung, I so treasure the family pictures. Thank you so much!

Signature by Fernelescent