screenie dump (warning: TONS of pictures here)

A bunch of screenshots that I haven't posted here yet (as far as I can remember)

I take WAY too many screenshots. They can all be found here if anyone is interested.

Melinoe demonstrating her ability to move through solid objects as if they were nothing.

It seems she can also float.

A huge group of dancing deer, around some sleeping deer. Too bad I wasn't able to stick around.

Mmmm, blueberries.

I posted this before, but I don't think anyone saw it.

Squirrel!Amary and fawn!21.

And now 21 is a bird.

I'm flyyyyiiiiinnnggggg! Laughing out loud

Someone randomly mask'd Amary, and now she looks like Lord Byron. X3 Too bad he wasn't around at the time.

It's mini-Amary! Laughing out loud

Amary and Saosin with dove!21, bat!Virgil, squirrel!Isis, and...I'm not sure who the frog is.

Halp! My antler is stuck on your leg!
The beluga-pelted deer is the one that's a frog in the above picture.

It's Burrow-doe. XP

Can't even tell who those two deer are. XD I do know the brown one is Dehy Light.

Walter and Lemon (I didn't know who she was at the time).
When I saw this I was like D: but I thought it was cute. X3

Melinoe communicates with a spirit. (I took the shot when she was doing the "sniffing the air" thing)

I can't remember, I think the orange deer was Raimundo?

Kaoori and...??? Anyway, Amary just happened to be walking by. I thought it was cute. :3

I could have sworn I had a picture of Amary sleeping in the air, but I couldn't find it. D:

Mel watches Wesker attacking the statues.

And now a fight (or maybe it was just a spar, I'm not sure).

I never noticed that part of that tree is just kinda floating.. D:

Sambreel clone?

Amary and Burrow being jesters.

I should know who that mini-deer is, but I can't seem to remember. D:

Look out! It's the big pink ball of doom!

Burrow stands out like a sore thumb.

Mel was watching Janjaweed chase that deer (Enigma I think it was?)

She does not like being spell-spammed.
(I felt bad for that deer ^^;; )

Lord Byron and...what was her name again? Cybil or something?

Oisín wonders how that deer can sleep underwater. I can't tell who it is since the pictogram wasn't showing. :|

Sheen looking pretty in purple. :3

red fawn danceline X3

Epic danceline Laughing out loud

Sheen comes across Masque. And a sleeping 21 (who woke up later after Masque left).

He found the Fawn, but she was sleeping.

Oisín's favorite place so far.

And that's the end!
ocean's picture

I was wondering who the fawn

I was wondering who the fawn that sniffed her was. xD
On a side note, The Fawn would like Wesker if she wasn't so frightened of him. xD
Innisen's picture

The one as a frog was

The one as a frog was Iaurdagnire.
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bullshit.
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bull****.

Oisín does sometimes sniff

Oisín does sometimes sniff random sleeping deer, because he's curious about them and as long as they're sleeping they don't seem so scary. X3

deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín

Ohh, I thought his picto was

Ohh, I thought his picto was different for some reason.

deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín