School... -_-

quadraptor's picture
Well today I go back to college, so I won't be able to play as much as I used to.

I got invited to join a society at my college that is supposed to take up part of my time, but it's called the Society of Leadership and Success. It's supposed to help me with my study habits and help me get done with school.

I'll still be around here, but just not as much as I used to. Don't worry, I still plan to finish Divine Abandonment and write the third story in the trilogy, Divine Protection, and I should still be in the iScribble room as well.

So anyway...I gotta go -_-
Emiva's picture

Good luck in college

Good luck in college Quadykins! ^_^



Best wishes on your

Best wishes on your education Quad, ill be flexing my schedual ^.^ *meganuzzlez*

Ah, I go back to school

Ah, I go back to school tomorrow D8 I feel your pain. <3

-- Dannii <3
IoRez's picture

Rats! Oh well. Good luck

Rats! Oh well. Good luck with the matriculation.
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