Magnet: I finally managed to drag Scape back into the Forest last night. We were both hanging out together since there didn't seem to be anyone else around that was awake, and the few around we either didn't know, or hardly knew.
But pretty soon Pepokeen appeared and spotted us as we walking along.

Messing around.

8O Twin Gods! It's a Pepokeen clone!
And what better time to finally see Ammy again! =D She hit me with a couple of pelt spells. I got the peacock twice and the butterfly once. XD I kind of like the butterfly pelt, but I'm too attached to my golden one right now...
Scape: Can't forget that Laruna found us too.

He was switching back and forth between fawn and stag. And you can see Ammy collecting another spell to use on Magnet. =P

We stopped at the dragonflies to pose together.
Magnet: I'm bigger than you. =P
Scape: It's an illusion caused by the pelt and antlers. XP
Magnet: Still looks like I'm bigger. =P
Scape: >.>; Moving on...
Magnet: XD
Scape: No I don't know what we're doing. XD
Ammy started acting strange, looking like she was mad at some trees...? O.o? Then she disappeared, reappeared close to the lake, and fell asleep.
Magnet: I wonder why... She barely got to spell-bomb, too.
Scape: *shrug* Probably get cleared up soon.
I decided to call it a night.
Magnet: I still say you left too soon.
Scape: I was tired. And did you see the time? O.o I'm pretty sure Pega was about to pass out!
Magnet: ...hey. She chose to stay up that long. Not that I get it. >.>
Pega: I stay up that late just because, and had nothing to do today. I'm weird, alright? X3
Both: *blink*
Scape: I already knew that.
Pega: >.> Oi..
Magnet: ..I'm getting back to the pictures now...
Last one, not long before I left, too.

O.o Are rocks and dirt considered a delicacy?
Scape: O_o They can keep their delicacies.
[olor=orange]Magnet: Amen to that...[/]
Both: Until next time.
-nuzzles- :3
yaaay! friend
a unicorn roleplay site.
Check it out.
That was hilarious! You guys
Yeah, I had twelve clones
Pega: I don't how I manage
There was a Magnet clone on last night, too. O.o Saw them on the radar.
i remeber this, i was there,
yea ammy's out of sorts, she
then i had to go out and i left her to sleep near u guys, after she went to sleep my dad came in and figured out how to get rid of the forest Ammy was pretty sad ,cause she didnt get 2 say goodbye. ans was surpised to awake cold and alone.
+ she didnt everyone did it was like a server crash O.O but she tought she was a ghost........... @__@