Saosin's cuddle service

Iaurdagnire's picture
Saosin's cuddles are so manly it takes two to administer them C:


Were these Shimmy's dancing twins in fawn form? Because I noticed Silence conveniently disappeared before they showed up ;3

Thanks everyone for this evening <3
fayne's picture

LOL I SEE ME. -shot- Oz is

LOL I SEE ME. -shot- Oz is the stag in the background of the first picture. XD Thanks for the great night, all!
J!n's picture



Iaurdagnire's picture

Ah I'm glad I know who that

Ah I'm glad I know who that is now - I like his set design very much =)

That first capture, amazing!

That first capture, amazing! XD;
You've managed to find quite a light-hearted little moment, haha. XDD;

And yes, those were twins in fawn-form. Maybe they found a fountain of youth? ;D