Running for that one moment in life.

Sierra mounted up and smilled at Jeremy "You can keep up right?"she asked,but before he could respond Little Prince darted out of the stable running torwards the medow.
Jeremy laughed as he quickly raced after her on his horse.
Sierra's hair whipped in the air her eyes shined as she rode.So free to fly so to say she loved how Little Prince knew that she was in the mood for a run.
She also sensed Jeremy was not far behind and decide to see how fast he could keep up.She turned slightly to point at a hill indicating she wanted to race.
Jeremey laughed"Your on"
Little Prince sensed the challenge and let out a slight neigh .
Half way up they were both tied,but at the very last second Little Prince pulled through.
"It seems you win"he admitted in defeat.
They both dismounted to give their horses a rest.
"It's beautiful up here "she said admiring the view as she leaned against a tree.
Jeremy said nothing as he moved closer to her as he looked at her.

GK: -RAGE- I don't even


I don't even know why he's possessive

this story
wins my heart

He likes controlling things

He likes controlling things in my opinion.
I still don't know whether I'm going to have her fall in love with him.