Rp blog

Gruffen's picture
To anybody who wants to rp with my characters, this is the spot for u! I have:

Goddess: sweet little doe, just wants some love
SkyDancer: Constelation all things needed to be said
Zoro: She's a nice doe. Likes to play, and it's now ok to flirt with her
LightBringer: young stag, is going out with Tazanna?, has candles antlers he can light at will.
Deception: Young male Kirin; cannot be seen unless he has had physical contact with your deer.
Shikami: Little white wolf with rainbow powers, she likes to fool around
Taka: Small osprey, she only eats fish
Tapu:little bunny
Nekurus: A demon (has a little sprinkling of me in him so he can be nice)

All bios are in my blog don't be lazy go look! well, taka's is a WIP

RPs currently:

LightBringer with Tazanna
Zoro with Jude
Zoro with Reika
Gruffen's picture

She layed down next to Jude.

She layed down next to Jude. Her fur was brushing his. 'I hope he doesn't mind'

Right now deception is being a tiny pillow for raindrops deer
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

he made a little grunt 'all

he made a little grunt 'all does are into why isen't she into' he thourght then he sighed. he was gonna try again.


cute ^^

edit: Page 4 ^^
Gruffen's picture

PAGE 4??? wow! i hadnt even

PAGE 4??? wow! i hadnt even noticed!

Zoro's mind wandered as she listened to the idol "speak"
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

heh ^^ __ he kept looking at

heh ^^

he kept looking at her and then leaned towards her again
Gruffen's picture

Her heart was beating rapidly

Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, but she tried not to show it on her face. 'I have to be strong...oh I can't do it! Jude's broken my barriers!'
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

his blue eyes looked ito

his blue eyes looked ito hears '' aw Zoro i can see i have affected you' he thourght then he smiled to her
Gruffen's picture

"Ha you got me Jude. I can't

"Ha you got me Jude. I can't help it..." She looked into his blue eyes.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

he moved closer 'just one

he moved closer 'just one kiss and she will be mine' he thourght to himself, he chukled ''hm'' he said now he was again a nose short from her
Gruffen's picture

(zoro says she feels

(zoro says she feels strangely comfortable with him this close. is it like vampire powers or something?) XD now for the rp...

'Oh twin gods is he going to kiss me? well, i guess i'm ready for it...' she tried to calm her racing pulse.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

(nope just my firty little

(nope just my firty little Jude XD)

He smiled, she was indeed pretty. he moved closer to there lips almost met
Gruffen's picture

(lol) This time Zoro moved a


This time Zoro moved a little closer. 'i guess my heart did the thinking this time'she thought
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

Jude lost his patience then

Jude lost his patience then moved the last inch. he lips wasen't very varm. the kiss was passionate, romantic he moved closer to her.
Gruffen's picture

Zoro liked this. She could

Zoro liked this. She could stay like this forever. 'this is better than Rascal. Is Jude my perfect other half?'
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

then suddenly he ripped

then suddenly he ripped himself from her raising up really fast and turning his back to her, his pulse were high, he didn't want to kill her, his eyes were turnig black and fangs were showing from his mouth, he breath deeply hoping Zoro woud not go in front of him.
Gruffen's picture

'Oh twin gods! I knew

'Oh twin gods! I knew something was different about him!' Zoro cowered in fear and ran inside her idol.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

Jude turned around, he

Jude turned around, he coulden't see Zoro. he turned around again then made a fast jump and then he was gone he needed to kill sombody or else he might hurt her.

it may take me some time to answer cuz i'm doing math at the same time >.<
Gruffen's picture

Ok Zoro poked her face out


Zoro poked her face out of the idol. She couldn't see Jude. "Jude was...a vampire deer?" 'I wonder if o was a vampire he wouldn't try to kill me'
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

(heh) Jude had killed


Jude had killed sombody and it felt good, the sweet taste of blood, he returned to the idol to wash the blood of his mouth, at the same time he looked for Zoro
Gruffen's picture

(hah hope this doesn't turn

(hah hope this doesn't turn out like twighlight)

Zoro saw that Jude was back in his sane state and crawled out of hiding.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

(don't think it will he is

(don't think it will he is more like a Vampire daries vampire lol)

he still breath deeply then he looked at her still with some blood on his chin.
Gruffen's picture

"Jude? what was that all

"Jude? what was that all about?"
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

he sighed ''i....i'm a

he sighed ''i....i'm a vampire and your kiss triggered something in me that makes me wanna kill and i have to i..... i like it..''he looked at her.

(going ti bed answer tomorrow bye) ^^
ShikaTale's picture

(sorry for the interruption

(sorry for the interruption and ok)

Reika ran through the forest again and caught Zoro and a stag's scent, so she hid behind a tree watching the pair curiously.
Gruffen's picture

(ok good night) "Well I

(ok good night)

"Well I probably should have seen that coming. I sensed you were different." Zoro looked at we hooves. She caught a strange scent but chose to ignore it.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
ShikaTale's picture

As she stood there, Reika

As she stood there, Reika sensed something horrible, something like a killer. Reika's fur raised, he claws unleashed, her nose wrinkled and her lips curled back showing her teeth. Reika was unsure what the stag was, but she did not like it so out of no where she barked a very loud yelp.
Gruffen's picture

Zoro heard a bark and looked

Zoro heard a bark and looked to where reika was."oh no..." Zoro ran to her and stood in front of her to protect her from Jude.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
ShikaTale's picture

Reika saw Zoro and crouched

Reika saw Zoro and crouched down with her ears against her head, she stopped growling and looked at her "..W-who...W-w-what is that!?" she whimpered.
Gruffen's picture

"It's a long story. Do you

"It's a long story. Do you want to hear oit now or later?"
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
ShikaTale's picture

(sorry I missed your

(sorry I missed your reply)
She stood back up "I guess I can listen later.." she sighed
Gruffen's picture

"Ok then." pausing rp until

"Ok then."

pausing rp until Midnight gets back k?
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
ShikaTale's picture

(Ok ^^)

(Ok ^^)
BouncyDeer1's picture

Trackiess =]

Trackiess =]

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Gruffen's picture

Thank you Bouncy!^^ Ok I'm

Thank you Bouncy!^^

Ok I'm ready to begin when Midnight posts again.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

Jude walked besides Zoro to

Jude walked besides Zoro to get a cleare look at the stranger, he just smiled calmly ''hello i'm Jude'' he said, he narrow'd his eyes. although he was calm he didn't trust her
Gruffen's picture

"Erm....Jude this is my

"Erm....Jude this is my friend." Zoro said, still being overly protective of Reika.
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

he grunted, ''what was i

he grunted, ''what was i before, by the idol'' he chukled.
Gruffen's picture

Going to bed see you

Going to bed see you tomorrow!

The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
Midnightrose's picture

sleep well ^^ __ he grinned

sleep well ^^

he grinned and looked at her with his blue eyes
BouncyDeer1's picture

Can Rascal join in?If you

Can Rascal join in?If you don't him to join if you don't want him to just ignore this then =]

"So your the Jude that went WILD hm?" Rascal spat as he glared at Jude.
"What are you?Some kind of vampire?"

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Midnightrose's picture

for me it's ok so i'll answer

for me it's ok so i'll answer heh ^^


''indeed i am, but it's not your buisness'' he looked at Rascal, he walked over to Rascal. looking at him, he was a little taller than him
BouncyDeer1's picture

Rascal puffed out his chest

Rascal puffed out his chest fur trying to make him look bigger.
"Tell me vampy how exactly did you WILD?Did you harm Zoro??" He let out a growl of warning,he didn't like this stag at all.Not just because he was wary of just about any other stag,because this one was..different.Reika even said he had a bad aura.

How tall is Jude because Rascal is like as tall as a moose and stuff..anyways omg drama RP =D I just love these RPs with so much *breathes deeply* drama =)

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Midnightrose's picture

oh didn't see that opp just

oh didn't see that opp just ignore it - he is a little smaller than rascal fail..... >.<

Jude looked at him ''i didn't do her anything'' Jude grunted ,even if this stag was Zoro friend he was ready to kill him.

(Just so you know if you get bit by Jude you don'tturn into a vampy, i'll tell ater if you want)

BouncyDeer1's picture

Lol it's okay =] Okay you can

Lol it's okay =] Okay you can tell me now if you like =)

"Then what DID you do?Kill someone else?HUGH??Don't you know I can the blood all over you and..Zoro on your face.I am just warning you if you ever hurt my friend I will personally rip your heart out and feed it to the birds!" Rascal hissed,"I think this stag has heard my warning...better back off now.." He thought to himself "My name is Rascal by the way.....I already know what your name is..."

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Midnightrose's picture

(i go by the vampire daries

(i go by the vampire daries eh ^^ anyway 1. you need the blood of a vampire 2. you have to die 3. feed on human or in this tef deers blood BAM vampire ^^)

Jude snarled and slammed Rascal to the ground, you will be dead before you reach my chest he smiled Rascal coulde fight him, he was way stronger. he let go and chukled ''oh and Rascal, i do what fit's me. Jude knew his name he had heard it somewhere. he walked past Zoro and stood behind her.

(going to school now bye) ^^
BouncyDeer1's picture

Okay bye school O.O It's

Okay bye school O.O It's night where I live whoah time differences Shocked

Rascal gasped.This stag dared slam HIM to the ground?This crossed the line.Rascal let out a great big moo and tried to tear at Jude's chest,trying to smack him with his antlers as well.

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Midnightrose's picture

heh yea ^^ Jude got pissed

heh yea ^^

Jude got pissed of, he got a scracht on his chest but it soon disappered. again he slammen Rascal to the groud holdig him down again ''don't play with fire boy..'' was all he said as his eyes turned black (check his bio for reffrence of how it looks like). fangs had appered in his mouth and he went down to Rascal neck. he bit him and the sweet taste of blood overwhelmed him how he like to kill hi but he woulden't do that, but only cuz he liked Zoro. Jude laid go, Rascal had still some blood in him but was weaken. Jude disappered....

gonna join later whe he comes back ^^
ShikaTale's picture

Reika gasped and stood in

Reika gasped and stood in horror of the whole session, she barked as loud as she could and snapped , looking for Jude's scent, when she found it she bit her jaws at Jude's neck "Anata wa rokudenashi! You bastard!" she screamed and shut her fangs deep into his windpipe.
BouncyDeer1's picture

Rascal got up with his head

Rascal got up with his head down.He felt so weak again...just when he was beggining to heal.He didn't even get his warning through to Jude!Rascal got and jumped in front and sat on top of her back trying to get her to not run off and try to attack Jude.This guy was weird..Rascal hadn't really bitten hard but the bite left in a matter of seconds!"Reika..I think it's best if we comfort each other don't run off and try to attack him okay?He's too powerful when I'm in full health I'll show him who's the weak one but right now I don't want the both of us getting hurt understand?" He said this calmly trying to make Reika understand this stag was too powerful for a little dog...

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Gruffen's picture

This is what I missed?

This is what I missed? WOAH!

"Rascal!" she rushed over to her friend. 'I need to heal him! But how to do it fast enough...' She was staring daggers at Jude, but she just couldn't do it. She couldn't hurt him. She was just to nice to thera to do so. So she would yell at him instead. "How dare you! You hurt Rascal, but I don't know what to do..."
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! http://endlessforest.org/community/rp-blog-9 RP with me please!
BouncyDeer1's picture

Rascal got off Reika and

Rascal got off Reika and attempted to drag Zoro to where Reika was so he could sit in them both,making sure they wouldn't run off.Does were soo unpredictable,they could do anything in a matter of moments but right now Rascal was determined both of them were to be safe.

Lol poor Zoro and Reika )= Rascal's so fat he would probably crush them if he wasn't careful lolz

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D