Would anyone like to roleplay with my dear sweet Kahu?
He's a shy, timid and blind fellow. A teen, if not a little older.

Click Me.

I will only be roleplaying with one or two people, sorry guys. ^^ Kahu is too shy for multiple deers, so two maximum. It lets him smell their presence and grow accustomed to the surroundings.

Just reply with someone you think would get on well with my shy boy. I'll set it up once confirmed.


WhiteWarlord's picture

*barrel rolls in* HELLO

*barrel rolls in*


I really liked your character, and from his bio I think for dramas sake he'd either be someone Ally would find delight in trying to con/manipulate, or less-drama-y and one which you'd probably prefer, he would easily get along with Ausar ;3;

*Squeals.* Eee! =) Well, you

*Squeals.* Eee! =)

Well, you can always have then BOTH at the same time?
Otherwise, I'd certainly love the more complacent side of it, with Ausar. <3
Sound good? If so, I can just set it up. <3

Warning. I am an essay whore, and write stories when I roleplay. ;3;
WhiteWarlord's picture

That sounds lovely ;3; I'll

That sounds lovely ;3;

I'll start with Ausar and then bring in Alabaster later, since it'd be more "ew no dad don't talk to this peasant" otherwise, ahahah.

Also I don't mind about length either, but long posts might take me a while to reply to since I do chores through the day <3

That sounds fine to me. I

That sounds fine to me. I find that the more characters interacting, the more poor Kahu has to fine tune his senses of his ears and nose to pick up movement and so forth. It makes for his lack of vision a very interesting scene. Poor fella.

That's understandable. I might make them loose and a little shorter for your benefit, and if not flowing. =)

*Squish.* I'll have it up when I can. It's late here, 12am Australian GMT +10, so, I should really be poofing.
WhiteWarlord's picture

Sounds perfect! And I see you

Sounds perfect! And I see you sniffed out my tumblr too so if you need to contact me, I like, never leave that site so you can get me through asks if I don't seem to notice the thread <3

But since you're Australian and I'm English, the timezones are different but it should be alright considering I post very late my-time anyway c;

Once I get back from the

Once I get back from the doctors later today my time, I will be setting up a thread. Right now, I feel too poor to concentrate. ;3;

Yeah, stupid timezones. I am actually British. I moved from London 2 years ago to Australia for a better life out here. I do miss London though. Honest to bloody god.

But yeh. I'll set it up after my doctors appointment. <3 Sorry for the wait already.
WhiteWarlord's picture

Oh really? I visited London

Oh really? I visited London once when I was 15ish ahaha, I come from up near Manchester actually so its a bit poo up here.

My brother spent some time in Australia before moving to New Zealand just for interests sake. And ho hum Jack is spamming this thread with idle chatter ahahah.

And that's fine, all the time in the world sugar plum <3