Ripley is a parrot who enjoys television and video games. With a simple joystick, he can play several interactive games--the most complex of which is The Endless Forest. In the game, he uses this pictogram:
Let me know if you run into him in the forest! His gaming schedule is sporadic, and less frequent these days as I am unemployed and have a lot of time to spend hanging out with him. Occasionally we may play together, but I would rather watch him playing than play with him as a deer. Don't expect him to perform too many actions--although he seems to understand the joystick layout better than I do. So far I've noticed him listening, roaring, dancing, jumping (lots of this), and laying down. And please take some screenshots, because I doubt he will.
Read More to learn about the parrot who shares the forest with you!
About Ripley
Age: 1 year Birthday: June 14, 2009 Species: Congo African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) Nicknames: Monkeybird, Rip Favorite Foods: cashews, applesauce, and peaches Favorite Objects: paper, squeaky dog toys, pen caps Favorite Song: The Great Escape Hobbies: hanging upside-down, screaming, and diminishing property value
How He Plays TEF
Frequently Asked Questions
Can he talk?
Yes. Ripley uses many words meaningfully (that is, in correct context), and says several others seemingly for his own amusement or just to get attention. Despite popular opinion, many parrots are capable of understanding that words have meaning, and can even use them correctly. African greys are noted as a specie that speaks very clearly, and Alex the parrot is one of the most successful and famous animals to communicate with humans.
Just how smart IS he?
Adult African greys are estimated to have the about the same intelligence as a six-year-old human. That doesn't mean they act just like human children, but their awareness and problem-solving skills are comparable. Their emotional intelligence is closer to that of a two or three year old. Since Ripley is still very young, he's still developing. But he is quite smart: I have caught him unscrewing the locks on the food bowl doors of his cage from the outside of his cage so that he can open them from the inside.
What words does he know?
Too many to catalogue! He learns new words and phrases all the time, and tends to pick a favorite to fixate on every few days. Lately, some of his favorite phrases have been "can I touch ___?" and "I love ___," wherein he substitutes many different words (such as 'it,' 'you,' 'juice,' and 'your toes').
Does he ever move? I only ever see his deer standing still!
He does move, but very infrequently. I leave the game up for several hours at a time, most of which he spends eating, preening, napping, or playing with some of his myriad other toys. The joystick does seem to be his very favorite toy, though! Even when he is paying attention to the game, he spends most of his time just sitting by the joystick, watching the screen, sometimes saying "ooh" or "hello!" to it.
Why are you doing this?
Because parrots are smart. Like, scary smart. In the wild, they live rich lives full of complex social interaction, and travel great distances in search of food and safety. In captivity, we shrink their environment and their social circle, but like their wild relatives, they still need to be constantly playing, doing, and thinking. If not, they will become unhappy. Letting Ripley play video games is one way I am attempting to enrich his play and give him opportunities to interact with his environment.
What! He can do the "sad' emote?! I've seen him sit several times before, but I've never seen him do anything from the emotions bar! I officially have no idea how the joystick controls work. Until a couple weeks ago I thought he was only able to jump--but I think once he clicks the second joystick button to access the action bar, whichever action gets performed might be dependent on how he moves the joystick. When I have clicked the button myself, all it has ever done is hop. Game developers: any ideas?
Also, I have noticed that when he sits down, he is able to sit-slide instead of walk, until he chooses to click to stand up. This amuses me.
I was spelling him yesterday [trying to peacock him], and he turned away from me, then turned straight back a little later. It was awesome to see him move!
I wish I would have thought of this. Maybe it would have helped my mother’s African Grey. He use to pluck his feathers out because of boredom. We had him tested and everything but the vet was sure it had to be boredom or stress since he didn‘t seem to have any parasites or anything. We’d even mist him hoping it’d help. At the time everyone worked odd hours so we didn’t have much time for him. Poor guy. He’s currently living with my Aunt (grandfather’s sister).
He use to love Ed, Edd and Eddy and would often sing the show’s song. He’d get all excited when the show came on. He’d ask us ’what you doing?’ and go ’oh’. He did this most often when we were in the kitchen and wanting what ever we had.
He had quite the vocabulary. He seemed to just use them mostly to entertain himself or get our attention though.
We had a chicken at one point. He use to love the chicken and made chicken sounds at her all the time. When she passed away (she was egg bound) he mourned her.
Perhaps I’ll suggest this to my Aunt. If she agrees perhaps it will help him with his feather problem. The stimulation couldn’t hurt. We already know he loves TV.
Plus, with TEF not being goal oriented people are less likely to be upset with him if his deer doesn’t do anything productive. :- P
This is a really good idea for parrot lovers. Parrots just seem to need more stimulation then people are willing to give or have time for. They're like children.
Oh man...I just found this on a whim by clicking his symbol on the I can't bring myself to leave his side
I LOVE that you set this up to broaden his spectrum of entertainment...if only I could have done this with my ferrets!! xD This is very neat. Track track track!
He just stood there the whole time. When I saw he had the peacock mask and antlers, I tried to get the pelt on him, too, but it took so long I got tired of it and gave up.
"When I saw he had the peacock mask and antlers, I tried to get the pelt on him, too, but it took so long I got tired of it and gave up."
lol, Rire and Geography had gotten it for him earlier. Someone must've un-done it. Oh well~
Omg, Ripley's really active right now, is it still him or potentially the owner? He just got up and sat down 4-5 times! And is walking up against us real close and hopping a LOT, he even sat ON me at one point! xD He must be super affectionate today
Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while! I'm so happy to see you guys playing with him. I haven't played TEF in a couple months, but Ripley has been playing a lot in the past couple weeks. I saw a few people playing with him today. I'll update his page soon!
I can't seem to stay logged in on my computer! I don't think my wireless signal is strong enough. But I'm the nameless deer following the Ripley herd. XD
Haha yes, it's called "The Uuo" because of its pictogram. I use it for spreading lulz and happy.
It was surprisingly entertaining and exciting playing with Ripley, even if he was just walking!
My character Button's got the chance to hop with with him when he was a bunny. Then got to sit with him before Buttons had to go somewhere else. Twas fun. :]
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Hey guys! It's been months and months since Ripley played TEF, but he does miss it! The reasons behind his absence:
He broke his joystick (again!) But this time we're making him a new one, almost from scratch. You can check out a preview here.
We updated to a dualboot Linux/Windows 7, and we're having a lot of problems getting the game to run at all. If anyone can offer some help to us in this regard, we all miss playing TEF together!
Unfortunately I don't know how to help with the Windows program, but wanted to reply anyway and give this a bump so that maybe someone else will be able to assist.
And I also wanted to add that I remember Ripley from way back. =D It was always fascinating to just sit and watch him play. I hope to see him again in the forest someday!
Gosh, I got excited reading that. I wish I was around at the time to meet Ripley. I hope things can get worked out to where Ripley can play on the game again!
LOL Yeah I was too when he
What! He can do the "sad'
Also, I have noticed that when he sits down, he is able to sit-slide instead of walk, until he chooses to click to stand up. This amuses me.
I was spelling him yesterday
Yeah!! I was totally amazed!!
Trunks is hanging out with
Also we love our Ripley wallpaper I made yesterday in case you missed it.
I can't believe I didn't see
You've got my track. I adore parrots <3
I wish I would have thought
He use to love Ed, Edd and Eddy and would often sing the show’s song. He’d get all excited when the show came on. He’d ask us ’what you doing?’ and go ’oh’. He did this most often when we were in the kitchen and wanting what ever we had.
He had quite the vocabulary. He seemed to just use them mostly to entertain himself or get our attention though.
We had a chicken at one point. He use to love the chicken and made chicken sounds at her all the time. When she passed away (she was egg bound) he mourned her.
Perhaps I’ll suggest this to my Aunt. If she agrees perhaps it will help him with his feather problem. The stimulation couldn’t hurt. We already know he loves TV.
Plus, with TEF not being goal oriented people are less likely to be upset with him if his deer doesn’t do anything productive. :- P
This is a really good idea for parrot lovers. Parrots just seem to need more stimulation then people are willing to give or have time for. They're like children.
Track! This is amazing and a
o-o oh wow!!!! *instant
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
You made me wanna have a
Holy crap, track!
Having some more fun with
This is pretty amazing.
Wow, this is amazing. I love
I love birds, and too see a bird do this... wow
c: One day I hope to have such a smart bird
^.^ so cute!
Oh man...I just found this on
I LOVE that you set this up to broaden his spectrum of entertainment...if only I could have done this with my ferrets!! xD This is very neat. Track track track!
Awesome :3 I see him
This is absolutely amazing!
He just stood there the whole
He just stood there the whole time. When I saw he had the peacock mask and antlers, I tried to get the pelt on him, too, but it took so long I got tired of it and gave up.
"When I saw he had the
lol, Rire and Geography had gotten it for him earlier. Someone must've un-done it. Oh well~
LOL Ama looks so tired XD
Omg, Ripley's really active
As Krystal said, Ripley was This one is rather big for here so I'll just post the link.
Hey guys, I haven't been here
Good to see you again! We've
Ripley's been leaning against
This is so adorable ♥
My deer was one of those
I can't seem to stay logged
This is the first time I've
He's been walking for a
Haha, that was fun. I was the
Omg that was so awesome XD
I didn't know that was you Dag! I've seen that deer before but didn't know it belonged to you xD.
Haha yes, it's called "The
It was surprisingly entertaining and exciting playing with Ripley, even if he was just walking!
Yeah I think it's just the
My character Button's got the
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Hey guys! It's been months
He broke his joystick (again!) But this time we're making him a new one, almost from scratch. You can check out a preview here.
We updated to a dualboot Linux/Windows 7, and we're having a lot of problems getting the game to run at all.
Hope you all have a happy new year!
Unfortunately I don't know
And I also wanted to add that I remember Ripley from way back. =D It was always fascinating to just sit and watch him play. I hope to see him again in the forest someday!
Oh! I'm so excited to see
Wow! This is really funny and
I miss Ripley .....i always
So happy to see Ripley might
Gosh, I got excited reading
Thinking back to this now and
I remember this!! Those were