So they really are back! : D I've been a bit confused as to how Februari should react to meeting Raimundo in the Forest again. At the moment she still has bit of a hard time believing she really met him again and is kind of doubting her sanity, haha. But seeing that they really seem to be back instead of just maybe occasionally paying a visit in the Forest, I guess she should believe it. (: Also, I've been silent about seeing Raimundo (sorry for not mentioning Laurette or Firefly, none of my deer know them nor have I seen them while playing recently) in-forest because I didn't know if it was my place to tell something like that, even in Februari's thoughts or writings. Anyway, yay. ~
D'aw, so precious
(No subject)
I didn't realize they were
So they really are back! : D
(No subject)
How sweet
I saw them both playing in the forest a few days ago but Luis just couldn't believe his eyes. He thinks he's starting to go crazy. LOL