Remember that summer

Keepiru's picture

full size

The western sky becomes so colorful
as it is pierced by the ray of sunlight
The scent of summer is everywhere
as the afternoon shower stopped

The light of the old memories flooded me
as I tried to picture them clearly in my mind
I could hear voices of my friends emerges slowly

The scent of that summer twilight came
vividly even after all this time
Even now, my heart smiles
when I think back about that summer

The lantern were so colorful
in that summer festival
As I recalled the resounding bell
my heart started to tremble inside

The cicadas are crying noisily
as I walk through the grove alone
I try to recall what those days were like

Even now,
I can recall in my heart
the quiet whispers of everything
that were happening
in those precious days

As a person, we must protect those things
As a person, we must learn from the things
that was created by the past generations
Keep those important lessons in our heart

The scent of that summer twilight came
vividly even after all this time
Spread the warmth
of those unchanging days

Remember that summer

Natsu Yuuzora by Atari Kousuke

Started a week ago, I had many other things to do but I forced myself to work on this every day (actually every night).
Although, they're almost inactive now I can not forget them <3 EvenEst have 3 years today. It still amazes me that they were created the same day haha.
I added Ehretia, their daughter, but her design is not clearly defined... Here she is featherless. I wanted to work more with her, not enough time, though :C

70% done with SAI and 30% with Photoshop.

Btw, those flowers are honeysuckle flowers, that is not by chance, teehee <3
OrinocoFlow's picture

Excuse me while I gather my

Excuse me while I gather my jaw from the rug.
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
Kohvake's picture

Oh my dog, this is just

Oh my dog, this is just gorgerous. o__o And that song fits it perfectly. So lovely and peaceful atmosphere, those colors, all details... I just wish I could do something this beautiful. ♥
Side account of Kohva

*Can't leave page because of

*Can't leave page because of beautiful music choice*.. so beautiful.. atmosphere is just amazing... It is just... lovely. (:
Vibek's picture

aaaaaaaaaa Such a beautiful


Such a beautiful song! ^^
These beautiful deer! O:

Holy crap, this is so amazing

Holy crap, this is so amazing ♥ Can't stop staring at it.

And Eventide was like, IMMA

And Eventide was like, IMMA FLOATING MASTER.
And Estme was like, IMMA GONNA GET YA ANYWAY D:<
And Ehretia was like, Zzz Zzz...

Thank you (once again) for such a nice surprise. I admit I was so busy with my first commission recently I totally forgot about that anniversary.. But that's only one picture I should finish today so I hope I can also make something special too <3 Anyway, about the picture: the details are amazing - are all these leaves and grass SAI brushes? Must. Have. T_T
Aaah, can't stop looking at them (commission progress since seeing this picture: 0% :"D). They're amazing. I don't play TEF much anymore, but nothing can ever make me forget Evens&Estie. I still keep having ideas for the pictures with them, they're a real inspiration to me. Though I kind of missed them actually ♥
Thank you.

(That reminds me of a day when you were teaching me how to get to the top of the Ruins!)
TmA's picture

Oh shi~ Fine drawing, I have

Oh shi~

Fine drawing, I have no words to explain as far as it is beautiful! Shocked Shocked Shocked
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
zibra's picture

*O * is gorgeous .. wow how

*O * is gorgeous .. wow how cool is drawn, I am ashamed for my works x)))), this beautifully * O*
Smiling Shocked

Ourania's picture

My mouth has gone dry from

My mouth has gone dry from hanging open. Oh my gosh this is so beautiful ;u; I keep staring trying to find something I love most about it but I just love everything. Definitely another of my favorite pieces of art on this community.
Kaoori's picture

This is so amazing and

This is so amazing and absolutely adorable. ;_;
RikkaChan's picture

I can not express how AMAZING

I can not express how AMAZING this is.
Keepiru's picture

OrinocoFlow: hm, do not

OrinocoFlow: hm, do not forget to look under the buffet 8|
Lock-OnOrion: I'm glad you think it suits it! :> You can do it, with patience and perseverance everything is possible <3
viktes: *brings you a blanket with some tea* thx ♥
Ya-Lera: yes it is, I really like this singer, his voice is amazing and so pleasant to listen ^^ thank you.
Pepsi~: thank you <3
estme: well, grass and vines are done with Photoshop brushes (pack found on dA) but tree foliage, ruins/rock, sunspots are SAI brushes (pack found on the internet but I lost the site). I switched all the time from one to another, sai-toshop-sai-toshop-sai-toshop... this is the first I do that, the two open at once and actually, it was very fun even if I was lost in the great layers sea at the end 8C
You're welcome darling, we will love them to death and beyond! 8|
(haha yes that was fun <D)
Psst, I would LOVE to see those ideas D8<
TmA: thanks (:
ziBra: thx too <3
Ourania: awh you're too kind, thanks ♥ *here a bottle of whiskywater*
Kaoori: ♥♥
RikkaChan: ;_; thanks

Absolutely stunning!! Truly

Absolutely stunning!! Truly amazing. ^_^
Poppyflower's picture



Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
thelittleraven's picture

Your art has always been

Your art has always been amazing, but this is truly gorgeous. And the music is wonderful... I could go on forever about everything in the picture and the music, haha. Beautiful work, Keepiru. <3

The floating lesson: Evens:

The floating lesson:

Evens: -sits on the pillar- You need to land here, sweetheart.
Estme: Oh. OK ^__________^ -floats around-
Flatsoda's picture

Wow, just wow, really - the

Wow, just wow, really - the lighting, the color, the contrast, the saturation; all so perfect.
I think the title should be changed to "Remember that perfection". Or something.

This is so beautiful ;;

This is so beautiful ;;
Keepiru's picture

080731140586: thank you

080731140586: thank you ^_^
Poppyflower: THANKS, YOU'RE AMAZING 8|
thelittleraven: people here are so nice, thank you so much ♥ *another fan yeaaah*
est: TEF physics:

Estme: -merged with ruins- Look! I reached them!!
Evens: Uuuuh...

Flatsoda: fldfjvfck dat gif xD this is really sweet of you -blushes- thx so much ;_;
MoonlitStar: <33
Momochi's picture

Oh wow. This

Oh wow. This is...just....stunningly gorgeous ♥
There are no words~

My gosh Keep I've just always

My gosh Keep I've just always adored your art but now this with the background gewhgiwuegu;3gp2
Oh my goodness. I can't explain how much I love this; it seems like a really nice memory to have. ♥
Reyy's picture

I'm stunned, really... Wow...

I'm stunned, really... Wow...

There are now words to

There are now words to describe just how much I love this.
So, I'm just going to sit here and stare at this amazing piece for a few hours, k?

X) rofl

Woah, this is beautiful.

Woah, this is beautiful. Really love the summer feel that you get from it. Wonderful picture. <3

I just... Can't stop staring

I just... Can't stop staring at this. Every time something new jumps out at me. So stunning!
Keepiru's picture

Momochi: thank you c: Dinamo:

Momochi: thank you c:
Dinamo: awh thank you so much <3 This is the most complete background I've done so far, a good start but I need more practice :3
Ravynn: ♥
jala: *brings new blankets and chairs* thanks <3
StarBright5000: I'm glad you like it, I'm not a summer lover but I really love this afternoon light after a hot day <3
acer: thank you <3

Thank you so much for the nice feedbacks guys ;_; all of you, you rock.
BrownLupine's picture

THIS .... is by

THIS .... is by FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR one of the most amazing and breath taking pictures I have seen in the last few months.
I can't even begin, how awesome the details are and how honest and fluent their action comes across despite this being a picture. Not many are able to display actions in a unmoving painting in a way the viewer can imagine what happened before and what happens after.
The details must have taken you forever, too. I wish I had a bit of the patience you have. And how flawless the characters suit into the background. All of my jelly and all of my respect.

Seriously, TEF has it's upsides and downsides. But pictures like this definitely belong to the golden rays of it's sun.

I demand MOAR!!!

(Also, ist it okay if I take this as my personal Laptop wallpaper for a while? Please ;_; )

What nature divides, the spirit unites.

..holy carp this is stunning.

..holy carp this is stunning. ;___; ♥
Her's picture

omg I


Keepiru's picture

Wow Brown, dat a big comment

Wow Brown, dat a big comment ;_;

Many details yes. Well, it took me a week xD but you know Photoshop brushes are a great help. Thank you so much for your kind words, they're my golden rays of sun! <3

Of course you can use it ♥ I'm flattered.

Clare & her: Thank you! <33

made me feel

made me feel melancholic