the Red Fanwns Club

Paralda's picture

Snowrift's picture

That was a fun time we had

That was a fun time we had =D


Fahnette's picture

That was a riot! Dance

That was a riot! Dance dance yell, dance dance yell, spin, go get the red pelt back, go back to the dance line. Repeat.

Laughed so hard I scared my cat.

To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...

lol, I saw that. X3 I would

lol, I saw that. X3 I would have joined in but it would have been out of character for Oisín and I didn't feel like switching to Amary.

Oisín did become red at one point, though. (he's in the lower right corner)

Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe