I actually just wanted to have a nice screenshot for my
Flyrablog, but I got sort of carried away.
Shimmy's Screenie Manip Tutorial helped a lot with this, thank you, Shimmers!
I might have put too much in this, but, oh well ^^;
This is also Flyra's (both hers and mine) introduction back into the game I guess... Since I got a new laptop who runs the Forest perfectly fine, I might return to playing it regularly. Especially now since I've been a member for 2 years since today!
shameless bump of d00m
Woaw , beautiful edit and the
Thank you so much flyleaf.
Oh , believe me they are
I love how you used those
And Flyra's pose is so pretty, I love how his front legs are brought together like that.. -random observation-
Plus the shadows of those trees really give something to this picture. Makes me feel so peaceful~
Holy WOWZAH, that is
aosidufoaud WOW.
Those feathers, that lighting-this is amazingly gorgeous like, whoa ♥ BRB, MOPPING UP DROOL~
flyleaf - Thank you once
Narii - Awww, thank you so much! C8 I'm glad someone noticed the pose, I found it rather pretty as well.
ZebZeb - Ohpfff, thank you hun 8D
*hands out mob*
When I saw this I was just
Aww. Thank you very much
....dude! Flyra, this is
....dude! Flyra, this is amazing~! Wowowowow~ <3
Goodness, where do I begin? First off, I love how you manipulated the colors. The background's greens and oranges are perfectly done to accentuate the same colors in Flyra's set! I really love the sort of texture that Flyra has on her pelt, as well!
This is a beautiful screenshot edit, Flyyraaa. Amazing work~! :]
...oh, and you're welcome. ;D
Her expression is so pretty..
Shimmy - ohh whyyy, thank you
Misako - Thaaank yooou honey ;A; I'm glad it shows 8D But you don't really need patience for this, just a free afternoon and some boredom. Eh. ;D
gurgelin - Pfft, thanks! C: This helpful guide to self-close-ups will get you the idea. And yeah, I did indeed add some textures to the feathers and the wings. And thank you again, you're so kind!
Gthpbxthbpff!! Thank you!