Random Deer?
September 26, 2009 - 9:33pm — DragonWhisperer
Sorry for the big file. =_=;; But anyways, a deer that
I saw in the forest the other day. I have forgotten
what the picto was though. >_> *headdesk* If this
big boy looks like your deer feel free to say so ^^;
It could be anyone! The
Nine(9) is my main deer.
HOLYCRAP. 8O You definitely
Thankyouu very much, Rouda
eL. biography
It still looks nice. XD I
Nine(9) is my main deer.
xD thankyouu. --
eL. biography
oO What was it's set? If it
What was it's set?
If it was Zombie Pelt, Skull Mask, and Gazelle antlers, I think you saw my Janjaweed.
If it was him at all.
Here's the picto, if it rings a bell... >> X
Anyway, it's very nice. c:
Thankyou Snail. Oh and the
eL. biography
o8 Then I have no idea who
Then I have no idea who it is. XD
It does look like a Drache, who wears the same thing, but has the devout pelt.
xD well next time I better
eL. biography
That is amazing 8D He looks
He looks so fluffy !
He reminds me of Jasper too xDD
My Raimundo sometimes wears that but with the dark brown real deer pelt.
I also think there is another deer that wears that set to though but I can't remember who it is..
Why thankyou StarBright,
eL. biography