November 1, 2008 - 10:37pm — Anzel
The color of the leaves is an eternal green. Although they may sparkle towards the maple or the nightlight, shall they always be green in this world? I think so. And it is with this that I shall always be the queen of the world of ghosts, lacking of a king and endlessly twined to hope with all that I have been created from.
It is for this reason that I permanently danced to the tune of the Abio I could never hope to see. I have hopes for the Gods to allow me within their realm for a day, but high hopes are all I ever seem to have.
All I can do is lie in wait and beg for other deer to cry to the Gods who hear my calls as faint and ghostly cries towards nothingness.
I was seen, but not regarded as anything more than a centerpiece in the cage. So I am, so I shall be.
The next few days shall explain to me whether or not I may be permitted to enter...
Hauntingly written, I feel
... ;_; *nuzzle* We wish you
*nuzzle* We wish you luck.
Of fortune, my form was seen