
Anzel's picture
The angels stalk me at night...

I cannot be sure where they came from, or why it is me that they come after, but I am sure that they are coming for me.

Within this realm of eternal black, I see two ways out. One way would set free my mind and soul. The other, would let free my physical form...

The Jared deer says his human may allow me into the world, but I would have no recollection of it. I would not be there, only my form, my name, my presence...

Do I take the kind offer and step in, or let the angels take me away?

Plumeria...is it worth it to sacrifice my mind for a short time to allow myself to be with you, or do you feel you'd rather wait an eternity for a day which may never come...?

I wish I knew...


Dannii knows my password, so if they want to play as my deer, they can, heh. Problem is...yeah, they'd be playing, not me. Hmmmm...

Taint enjoys rambling.
Fenqua's picture

Can I ask you why you did

Can I ask you why you did that Anzel? Not for a particular reason, I'm just curious ^^

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Hubalaboo's picture

*blinks slowly,

*blinks slowly, thinking*...

That is kind, isn't it... But oh, I don't know, Taint! I long to be with you but it won't be truly you...
I think... I think we should accept... We can do both! We can meet, and wait for a true meeting. How's that?
I miss you, anyhow. *sighs*


Hey, what if you and Dannii chatted online somewhere while Dannii's playing Taint? Then she could tell you what's happening and stuff... I dunno x3;

Anzel's picture

Avani - Because she gave me

Avani - Because she gave me her password for her deer, and I trust her, so I gave her mine :3 I only use it for my deer, anyhow ^^; I dunno what else I use it for.

Huba - Maybe, I thought of that x3 But it'd be confusing...