D a n n i e [Creaking Trees]

MapleTree's picture
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Vital Observation
Physical: 100% - Good
Mental: 96% - Disoriented, for now
Emotional: 96% - Indifferent
I hear the trees creaking, I swear. . .

Current Updates
October 5, 2013
Bounded through the forest, looking for cleaner grass to graze in, went to sleep in the big oak for the day, woke up in the middle of the night.

September 30, 2013
Remembers waking up in a forest, dazed and confused. Walked along a path, finding other deer that called for her to play with them.

Name: Dannie
Nickname: Dann, Danni, Dan
Gender: Doe/Female

Size: About 1.5 m
Set: Peacock antlers, Peacock Mask, Fan pelt

Kind, Quiet, Curious, Outgoing, and adventurous. Dannie makes up a quiet, shy deer, but behind all that she thirsts for adventure. Dannie can be too curious though and but into private lives, she can ask too many questions, but she does that rarely. Danni did that more when she was younger, butting in and laughing at others problems. Now she's learned her lesson.
None: Unknown [will be updated]

Vala: Just met.

None: Unknown [will be updated]

Miscellaneous / Art
Art by me: None
none [will update]
Skype: trinitythelioness dA: SkyeLyrical
An iCSS Prodcution
MapleTree's picture


Beyei's picture

May I track this? I feel

May I track this?
I feel like tracking this.
Yeah I'm tracking this <3 c:
MapleTree's picture

-explosions- You can track

You can track this :>

And I eat the track like a pie.


I'm also taking interactions here too.
If anyone wants to. . . -squee-
Vala 's picture


" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥