"Do I know you?"

A wild Walter appeared!
I can't remember if Amary was ever friends with him or if she even knew him though. x.x
Verdalas's picture

*waves* I don't remember

*waves* I don't remember either, but it's nice to meet you (again?)
day4's picture

*joins antics*

*joins antics*

nice to see you around, in

nice to see you around, in any case ♥
Pink's picture

Hey guys, late answering, but

Hey guys, late answering, but all I want to say was, that my little Cu had so much fun with you!
@ Verdala
Cu was really astonished that Walter do a little play with us. He remembering him as a grumpy old stag which doesnt like / care about company a lot. Maybe Walter has got wiser or he has forgotten to get angry? Eye
anyway, it was good to see an "oldie" !
siggi by Sybilline