
Fahnette's picture
this was a really lovely day... those two fawns were quite busy!
I'd like to honor M&A by naming the main fawn in "Fawn's First Day" after them... any suggestions?
So far I have "Samharva" as a name idea. We'll have a vote since this is a group project!
louiserio's picture

OMG I WAS THERE! I am one of

OMG I WAS THERE! I am one of the white fawns! (I think)
Fahnette's picture

Oh, how wonderful! It was

Oh, how wonderful! It was so cool... everyone that passed by got a dose of magic from the two of you. How long were you around?
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...

Faunets up there as well .

Faunets up there as well .