Pre-Halloween Doings - Image heavy

Draak's picture
Some pictures I've taken from the past few days XD

Pigmy Zombies!
They were: Draak, Sluggs, Draco (I think her name is), Quammy, E and of course Mitra and Elian too Laughing out loud

It moves!

This one too 8D

Draak's Halloween fun times with Mitra :3

Someone tried to plant a Scape seed o.o

When Selig and Sluggs misplaced their bodies Shocked

Aaand some ones from today, when BZD was in the middle of the pond.

Pegasicorn's picture

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about? Scape was re-enacting "Thriller"! X]

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
The Wannabe Ninja
Cyric's picture

These are dead awesome.

These are dead awesome. -shot-
Draak's picture

Pega: He was? xD *now has

He was? xD *now has song stuck in head*

LOLPUNZ. you're dead right xD *shot*

those screens are awesome

those screens are awesome xD>. especially the moving ones LOL 8D..
and the floating heads te-hee :B xD

~ Akio ~ Loque ~ Tamerlane ~ Avarice ~
Draak's picture

Thankya 8D hehehe they

Thankya 8D hehehe they usually come about from me being on msn at the same time XD or iscrbble and I type P Laughing out loud