My WIP fawn, Cecilia. Draw with muro on DeviantArt(You can find me by looking for EvvyEnvy). Critic away please! I want to become better! Granted, this was drawn without reference and all on the spot but I need to get better!
For critique, all I can think of right now is- Fawns usually have legs that are a little bit skinner and more knobbly, awkward looking, since they're still young and not graceful like older deer. Her body looks more like an adult's- the only thing making her fawn-ish (is that a word? |D ) are her eyes and freckles (Which admittedly are cute).
A critique you made without knowing is that those leaves.. are feathers. xD Cecilia has the magpie pelt, 'real-deer' mask(for face shape) and magpie feathers on her head. I altered the look of the pelt to the colors that you see.
Alrighty, so far, work on knobby fawny legs and skinnier legs; and work on feathers. .___."" Thanks guys! <3
o_o I feel stupid right now. But still, without reference, it's good- I have to look at a bunch of similar deer before I can attempt anything marginally pleasing to the eye. Looking at fawn pictures (especially Bambi xD The knobbly cuteness is overemphasized and easy to practice with) will do the trick.
Okie dokie, thanks. ^o^ No worries, a LOT of people think the feathers are leaves... Might make a character be plant-like just because if I cannot get better. xD Hmmm, I shall now look at Bambi stuff, thanks again!
Her fur and feathers are such
I love her freckles!
For critique, all I can think
But wonderful; I do like the crown of leaves (:
A critique you made without
Alrighty, so far, work on knobby fawny legs and skinnier legs; and work on feathers. .___."" Thanks guys! <3
o_o I feel stupid right now.
I feel stupid right now. But still, without reference, it's good- I have to look at a bunch of similar deer before I can attempt anything marginally pleasing to the eye. Looking at fawn pictures (especially Bambi xD The knobbly cuteness is overemphasized and easy to practice with) will do the trick.
Okie dokie, thanks. ^o^ No