I J @
this is your all boring host, xhunter. i am looking for people that want to join this club. In this club you can get your poems put up in the growing collection of poems for those that want to view poems. so if you want to join just ask, and if you wont to quit the club you can ask to be removed or if you want one of your poems removed just give the name of the poem. just remember deer and people that this is to inspire writing, poems, reading, and other stuff.
To those that are interested
to those that are interested in the club. there are not many rules for poems. you can look forward to. . .
*no time limit so you arn't going to be pestered by me for more poems.
*will be given the time and help needed from me.
*there is no subject limit so you can get any poem you wont up.
*if there is a poem you want to post that is not your own and think that you'd like to share it, please give the real auther and why you want to share it with others. there can be no reason less than one word.
*and all members that want to help co-host can ask me and i will lable you as co-host (but will have to more than likly asked to put your email up so people can contact you and ask some questions. you don't have to have to aswer any questions you are not able or don't want to, you can send the asker to me and i will try and help them.
. F
there will be more to look forward to; but if there is to be more, there might be a vote for adding it to make it fair for new members and old members.
To members and non-members
there is no objections to wanting not to be an member and wanting to have a poem on the blog for others. if there is any private questions, like wanting a poem posted as Anonymous, unname author, or just any question. you can find me at dreamer@nctv.com
and people that want to ask a member or nonmember to make them a poem with a subject can ask me to ask them or ask them themselves. if you are asked you are not going to be forced to respond so it is your chose.
Give a poem to the birthday boy/ girls
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Members or non members you can give a poem to a Birthday boy/girl today or i can give you a poem.
Birthday people
I am starting a interesting poem and history part to the arcives. (will take sugestions if any)

*Insite of poems and poets and history
*history of chinese classical poety. Tao-Te Ching
-http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/chinese_poetry_TaoTeChing.html (site I found that exsplanes it)
*the history about haiku
-http://oaks.nvg.org/old-haiku.html (site i found this on)
Members so far. (looking for members)
*xhunter (Host, can be found at
dreamer@nctv.com if there is questions) number of poems=6
-Mid-evil fanticy
-my prospective
-sky and winter
-Running forever
-Starry Night
*Moonsorrow= number of poems= 1
-Three little words
*Mick Kreiger= number of poems=4
-Trusting Lies
-Friends and lovers
-Three is meaningless
-L, Free Me
*Liëka= number of poems= non so far
*Seed= number of poems= non so far
*A L E X ! (:= number of poems= non so far
*Zergarikiaka= number of poems= non so far
Interesting History of poems and poets
To all members and non-members. you don't have to read these history and information parts if you don't have the time or simply don't want to read them. I'm adding these to give some insight on poems and poets and there influence on all parts of the world. injoy.
Insite of poems and poets and history
Through out the ages poems and poets have been on this earth. todays poems and poets are like those of the past. Poems and Poets threw time have written about history, the places around them, the people and culture, the problems or interaction, or just simply everything. think of this when you make a poem. Does it reflect something? Who, What, When, Were, Why, How. Think of it this way. Did you know that most of the history in the books of past poets, or some school history book, has been founded in poems? Historians, those who learn history, look to poems of the past to learn about a culture, a place, a style of the past and all that.
Places like US, China, indea, UK, France, Brition, and so on effect poems and poets. Like when a country goes into a depression, a time of much grief, you might see a great change in poems than from a time of a inlightionment. injoy this interesting information.
....................... the history about haiku
:all rights for this information goes to the site i put up in the index at the top.:
The word Haiku makes you think of wait? Haiku is a type of poem that comes from Japan. These poems are mostly not rhyming but they follow a few steppes threwout japan's history. 5, 7, 5. There is one rule there must be 5 syllables in the first line 7 in the next and 5 more in the third. Wow this is too hard! 17 Japanese syllables in all made up these poems for over a long many of years.
Haiku poems are mostly about nature and things that go on around them. Like in all poems some of these poems an reflect a history of the poet and other parts of culture. Japan, threwout history, Has been very close to nature, probly more than a few. Buddhist were most common to have made the best of Haiku poems of the time.
Why so scrawny, cat?
starving for fat fish or mice . . .
Or backyard love?
— Basho
......................history of chinese classical poety. Tao-Te Ching
:all rights for this information goes to the site i put up in the index at the top.:
History of the tao-Te Ching
"Tao-Te Ching was beleaved to be written by Lao-tzu. Lao-tzu was a hermit, a dropout from society. Well legend is that one day for some reason He was leaving the city. A gaurd stopped him and ask him to write him a book of his knolege. So he write the tao-Te Ching and then he left."
The book was found around the time when taoish and confusish, two chinese religions, was most common. Today both religions are stile important but anyway. this part of the book, which is one of the first writen texts of the region, shows poem as a story. injoy. a story that is a poem itself.
will add more latter.
I. The Way that can be spoken of
Is not the constant Way;
The name that can be named
Is not the constant name.
The nameless was the beginning of heaven and earth;
The named was the mother of the Ten Thousand Things. 1
Hence, always rid yourself of desires in order to observe
The secrets of the Way.
But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations.
These two are the same
But diverge in name as they issue forth.
Being the same they are called mysteries,
Mystery upon mystery--
The gateway of the manifold secrets.
Poems archives:
Do you dare to dream
of the silky like spiders web
Do you dare to dream
of the open sky
Do you dare to dream
of the past life
Do you dare to dream
of the sound of the birds
Do you dare to dream
of the sound of different music
Ask yourself this
Do you care about the people in your dreams
or are they only a item of your joy
Do you care about the places in your dreams
or are they nothing to you
Do you care about the animals in your dreams
or are they only to be kill
Know this
When we dare to dream
of the silky like spiders webs
When we dare to dream
Of the open skies
When we dare to dream
Of the past life
When we dare to dream
Of the sound of Birds
When we dare to dream
Of the sound of different music
Understand this
Did you care about the people in your dreams
why did you care or not care
Did you care about the places in your dreams
why did you think they where or where nothing
Did you care about the animals in your dreams
why or why not
Realize this
When you do something in a dream
It is the realest real
It is the closest harbor
Does it worry you
Scare you
Torment you
Please you
The closest of closest to the soul is the dream
It is the realest of real
Starry Night
you look up at the sky
do you see the many lights?
you walk around in the dark
do you hear the sounds of crickets?
you stop close to a tree
do you smell the essence of spring?
you sit on the ground
do feel the mythery?
Running forever
Running is all I ever do
Because standing is my willowing grave
Running is my creed
Because I feel no life to my bones
Running is my dream
Because I am no fool
Running is all I ever need
But don't think me a coward
Running I may seek my goal
Because I know what it is i don't have to be causes
Running Forever is my soul
Because it is all i will ever have...
L, Free Me
Perhaps it because i wanted you
For so long i wanted you to be true
That i began leaving myself behind
Except inside my own mind
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
Perhaps within your lies
Inside those orange eyes
The truth and fear await
While you go off with your mate
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
I stand alone
ready to fight on my own
Against the secrets and lies
Hidden away in my own blue eyes
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But I want to slip away
I stand ready and true
I try to banish all thoughts of you
I stand with no comfort or rest
As i try to rid myself of this pest
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
Free me from you L.
--Mick Kreiger
:Authers note: Yeah we all know who that's about LOL
Three is meaningless
They are said so much
Thay aren't said enough
People use them when they want
People don't when they should
I love you
I love you
The words are too precious
The words are meaningless
--Mick Kreiger
this one is one of moonsorrow's
Three little words
Is it that something is wrong with me,
Or them.
Understanding is an understatement in this world,
No, we don't talk,
No, we don't need to,
For all anyone knows death took over,
It's their fault they don't know,
I know I've sinned for sure but not as far as they say,
I never tried to do anything so bad,
Is it that something is wrong with how I move,
Or how it is seen.
They can see my movements as they wish but it's never the same.
I'm not the same,
I don't move the same.
Is it that something is wrong with how I speak,
Or what they think it means.
these poems are by Mick Kreiger
Friends and lovers
The Lacrymosa needed them
The Lacrymosa craved them
His lovers...and his friends
he missed them
from the days when all was simple
and he loved and laughed and lived
instead of eternally being dressed in black and weeping
before black had been dangerous
now it was mournful
it was the symbol that he needed to move on in life
and find someone new
A friend
or A lover
--Mick Kreiger
Trusting Lies
I used to know you
I used to love you
You used to love me
You used to trust me
Now we are different
Secrets and Lies
Its all we are
I wanted you to be true for so long
I might die
But i want you to tell me the truth
End the secrets
End the lies
Now we are different
Secrets and Lies
Its all we are
I wanted you to be true for so long
You cheated, you lied
And you lost
You lost me
I lied, I stole
And I lost
I lost you
I love you
but you don't love me
Not anymore
Perhaps not ever
I used to know you
I used to love you
You used to love me
You used to trust me
--Mick Kreiger
- - - - this small list are fragments of the same poem i wrote. this is the poem in whole and it take some good imagiontion to realy understand.
mid-evil fanticy
Fly to the sky,
Go so high,
Say good-by,
Swift and fast,
Bird in the sky,
Stars on a lake,
Deer on the ground,
Wolf in the mountain,
Spider on a web of due,
Fox in a hole in the ground,
Bird in a tree so high above the ground,
Shade in the forest,
Stripe on a tree,
Orange it’s fur,
Sharpe it’s claws,
Deep it’s voice,
Song in the trees,
Song in the seas,
Time on the wind,
Hope in a painted sky,
Tiger lily,
Striped an orange,
Large and strong,
Quiet and swift,
… as a shadow.
Red moon in a painted sky,
Orange seas under a blood lit sky,
Sand of black webbed night,
Shadowed trees lining the ground,
Sparks made of stile and ore,
The soldier fight one by one,
The sound of an arrow,
The speed of the wind,
- -readers note: the first part is about releasing a bird and never exspecting to see it again. the second is about a mountain eco system wear the bird was released. the third one is about the mountain creatures settling down for the night. and the next talks about a tiger roaming around in the dark. the fith one is about the sound of nature at night. the sixth one is about a tiger lily and its purfict looks. the seventh one is about dawn starting to rise and the last one is about the start of a medevil fight.
my prospective
If love was a flower,
It slowly wilts,
If my harp was a tool,
It was full of grace,
If time was a ocean,
It was serenely not a ship,
If song was a power,
It was magic,
A river is not a ocean,
For time was not light,
A kilt was not a skirt,
For a Irish man is not a British man,
My sword is like my word,
It will always be noble,
My spirit is to the forest,
As the brier is to the thorn,
If the flag is a symbol of the country,
I am a symbol of my prosperity,
If fire was a spirit,
It would burn forever,
- - - Xhunter
: :readers note: this one is about my reactions to sertoin questions. injoy.
sky and winter
…how sweat my kiss is…
…Cold and bitter you say…
…my love may be as bitter as the cold…
…or it may be as the thorn you say…
…you with the sad heart…
…don’t be discovered don’t you realize…
…My song my be as the snow…
…Like the storms of the north are say…
…My passion is of the night…
…You mock my words why?…
…My joy is of the moon…
…You talk of the stars you say?…
…You say how sweat your kiss?…
…For it is cold and bitter dearest one….
…You say your love my be as bitter as the cold…
…For your love is not like the cold at all,
It is like a thorn sharp and deadly…
…You with the lonely soul…
…Never be you tamed, but by me only…
…you say your song is of the snow?…
…Your song is like the storms of the north,
Fast, swift, storm, and strong…
…You say your passion is of the night?…
…Yes it is of the night I agree my diamond love…
…You say your joy is of the moon?…
…For I am of the stars that guards the offal guardian…
: :readers note: this one is about a conversation between the sky and a winter day. injoy this one.
Hmm good job making this,
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
i'll join Everything is
Everything is Effed up straight from the heart
ok great. moonsorrow: i was
moonsorrow: i was not able to veiw the webpage. i tryed twice and it froze my computer twice. i will try again to veiw it in a wile. i'm not shore if it is my connection or what.
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
Here, I'll join. I have a
Current obsessions:
cool ok i will add you
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
I might as well join, for
Nelle Rovine
ok seed. welcome to the
just ask when you want one of your poems added.
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
Submission Number One: I
I used to know you
I used to love you
You used to love me
You used to trust me
Now we are different
Secrets and Lies
Its all we are
I wanted you to be true for so long
I might die
But i want you to tell me the truth
End the secrets
End the lies
Now we are different
Secrets and Lies
Its all we are
I wanted you to be true for so long
You cheated, you lied
And you lost
You lost me
I lied, I stole
And I lost
I lost you
I love you
but you don't love me
Not anymore
Perhaps not ever
I used to know you
I used to love you
You used to love me
You used to trust me
Everything is Effed up straight from the heart
Could I join? P: Sounds
A L E X ! (:
A L E X ! (:
of couse you can join i will
there is no time limits or subject limits so hope you injoy.
this club is for everyone.
Mick Kreiger: i'm adding your poem now
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
thought of a name for my
Everything is Effed up straight from the heart
ok i will go in and put the
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
cheers Friends and
Friends and lovers
The Lacrymosa needed them
The Lacrymosa craved them
His lovers...and his friends
he missed them
from the days when all was simple
and he loved and laughed and lived
instead of eternally being dressed in black and weeping
before black had been dangerous
now it was mournful
it was the symbol that he needed to move on in life
and find someone new
A friend
or A lover
don't know if it counts but its all i could come up with
Everything is Effed up straight from the heart
it is enough. it counts.
just if you add eny more you can tell me and i will add it to your poem.
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
I did a very short one to
Three little words
Is it that something is wrong with me,
Or them.
Understanding is an understatement in this world,
No, we don't talk,
No, we don't need to,
For all anyone knows death took over,
It's their fault they don't know,
I know I've sinned for sure but not as far as they say,
I never tried to do anything so bad,
Is it that something is wrong with how I move,
Or how it is seen.
They can see my movements as they wish but it's never the same.
I'm not the same,
I don't move the same.
Is it that something is wrong with how I speak,
Or what they think it means.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
well it is awesome Three is
Three is meaningless
They are said so much
Thay aren't said enough
People use them when they want
People don't when they should
I love you
I love you
The words are too precious
The words are meaningless
Everything is Effed up straight from the heart
L, Free Me Perhaps it
Perhaps it because i wanted you
For so long i wanted you to be true
That i began leaving myself behind
Except inside my own mind
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
Perhaps within your lies
Inside those orange eyes
The truth and fear await
While you go off with your mate
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
I stand alone
ready to fight on my own
Against the secrets and lies
Hidden away in my own blue eyes
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But I want to slip away
I stand ready and true
I try to banish all thoughts of you
I stand with no comfort or rest
As i try to rid myself of this pest
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
Now I'm Slipping Away
Can someone help me
Can someone free me
But i want to slip away
Free me from you L.
Yeah we all know who that's about LOL
Everything is Effed up straight from the heart
I'll join too.
ok welcome to the club
welcome to the club
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter