Get to know the player behind the deer!
My personal blog for ramblings, thoughts, ideas, and other crap that comes to mind.
My Info:
Name: Mary
Location: Toronto, Canada
Hails From: Originally western New York, but moved to Virginia in 1996 and lived there until immigration to Canada was complete in 2010 (I can apply for citizenship this year, woohoo!!)
Status: Married since Jan. 2009
Hobbies: Digital scrapbooking, drawing, writing, reading, doing crafts and swapping on Swap-Bot,
shopping at thrift stores, journaling/blogging, and being a weirdo.
Loves: Coffee, thunderstorms, rain, cats, mead, street festivals, bubble tea, and the smell of new books.
Hates: Vacuuming, most tv, winter, feeling useless
July 30, 2013
Updated Astraea's bio. Feel free to interact with her there!
Also, I should really go to bed. Doctor appointment in a few hours and I need SLEEP. But... but... CSS! *melts everywhere*