Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Draak's picture
Yup, since Raz told me that their internet is working back up to its proper speed she told me I could upload some more photos from the Forest. So here goes Laughing out loud. These are from a few days ago and today.

Warning: Loads of Pictures!

Everybody Dance Now!

Ghost Clone?! I dunno what you were doing Sluggs but...Yeah those two fawns are Sluggs, he turned into them O_o

Serenity :]

Mitra! I think I'm slipping!

Kiss our grits Spell Spammer! >8D. Thats Sluggs and I mooning the Spell Spammer Doe who was doing what she does best....

We took Quammy's pillar XD

Headstand! or should I say Antler Stand! On the Ruins Wall o.o


Fawn Sluggs and I hovering above the Pond

Sluggs and I submerged o.o

Sluggs the floating mask deer Shocked


Sluggs: Yer Weird...

Staring at the Fireflies

Mitra and I: We can see you Ravenflight X)

A random closeup of a Fawn at the Crying Idol

A picture of me under the tree during the dusk/dawn.

Wow, ok thats it for pictures. There's no more new one's I have to show for now. Hope you all enjoyed Smiling

~Raz and Draak
Seele's picture

Those of you and Mitra are

Those of you and Mitra are so cute! XD Dance dance revolution! 8D And the floating thing is starting to scare me XD (But squirrel Sluggs is a lot scarier) You've got so many random pictures! They're really funny ^^

--Stays a lonely Seele
Tuhka's picture

Lol, in the fourth pic

Lol, in the fourth pic Mitra's like "I'll catch you, Draak!"

Great pics again, just keep posting them! 8D
I don't know either what Sluggs was doing there but it was pretty amusing xDD
Feathercrest's picture

Thars Ravenflight! I remeber

Thars Ravenflight! I remeber that day. Nice pictures!
Sluggs's picture

You met Sluggy!

You met Sluggy! Laughing out loud

Isn't that an awesome picto? Laughing out loud

I made a new account the other day. I thought it was a good way of introducing him! He's the very same crazy Sluggs, only with a new picto! When he grows up, I might replace my picto with Sluggy's. Depends what others think about it, especially Echo. (We're back together again!)
Draak's picture

Seele: ^-^ I have a whole

^-^ I have a whole lot of Draak and Mitra XD. 8D Lol *sings that Dancing song by Scissor Sisters XD*. Squirrel Sluggs, I think I've only seen that once XD. Laughing out loud

XD Yeah I hope he doesn't smoosh her o.o
Oh I will dont worry about that! 8D
That Sluggs XD always up to mischeif Laughing out loud

Yeah! Laughing out loud Thanks! :]

zomg I've drawn some more deer Laughing out loud expect them up soon.