Picto Deer Reappears!

Zergarikiaka's picture
This time he/she/it has become Zerg!
Density's picture

Mine does that. I'll afk for

Mine does that. I'll afk for a while, while TEF is in window mode, and go into screen saver mode. Both will still be up and I'll encounter myself.

0_o Are they moving


Are they moving around?

If not then it's a glitch

If yes then...

Whatever happened to Rowan weeks ago is now happening all over again


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Zergarikiaka's picture

Not sure... I think it was

Not sure... I think it was moving untill I ran at it, took the pic, and moo'd at it, making it dissappear. o.O It died from my moo powers. XD

lol moo powers. Well idk

lol moo powers. Well idk what it is then...


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