
I was wondering if anyone had deer that they aren't using.
Because i don't want to make another deer , i don't want
to wait to grow-up. (impatient) so if you have some spare deer out there,
i would be much appreciative. Please and thank youu.
Here's my E-mail, tigger_1991@msn.com

( And sorry if this sounds rude i just really want to make another deer [that's an adult] and i'm sick of sharing pictos between them. it get's confusingg ) D:
Vira's picture

I have a few spare deer that

I have a few spare deer that you could use for their picto, let me look through the list and see who I don't play anymore :3

I will give you one of my secret deer |D
-sends the information via e-mail-

Thank you it's greatly

Thank you it's greatly appreciated, no rush, getting off here for an hour or so. Just comment me back or e-mail me the pictos and such if you have any. <33 :3
Active deer / Ducky | Wrath