The Phantom's Story

Fantome's picture

VILLAIN :: The Phantom
PICTO :: Click
GENDER :: Stag
AGE :: Unknown
LOVE :: Christine Daaé

THE STORY :: Not much is known about the Phantom. He's rarely on, though lately he's been growing more frantic in his search for his beloved Christine Daaé, his Angel of Music. He claims to have searched everywhere but "on our online, virtual forest", so he is making his last effort to find her somehow in the form of a singing doe. In this desperation, he becomes moody and will threaten anyone that does not help him find her, or even to anyone that will not clue him in when they may have found her. He does not hesitate to fight, so do not be surprised or peeved if he stabs you in the neck with his bleeding antlers that represent, to him, the opening and closing curtains of acts on stage. If you should happen to find him in the forest, you must watch carefully, for his movements are sudden and brisk, and will usually run off in hopes that you will follow him to aid the ghost in his search for his beloved.

He is not one for entertainment; he is all business. Never will he dance unless he's on his own rehearsing his latest show, so do not make an effort to party with him. He will not smile. He will sing out multiple times to get anyone's attention, which many find annoying. Though, he will laugh, but it is never because of someone's attempt at humoring him; rather, it is an evil sort of laugh, normally used to mock those that try and fight back, or to those that are pathetic in some way. He is obviously not the most loved stag in the land, and this ruins his image--he needs acquaintances he can repeatedly run to for any news or sightings of Christine. Any effort to make a friend is usually ruined because of his kicking fits and taunts, and he becomes very lonely because of this. With no one to go to, he runs on his own feet and uses his own midnight eyes with subtly-blinking stars inside to find his doe.

Although lonely in the land of trees, he seems to be a very well-known poster on the forums, even if he only writes on select threads that mention does of any type or that have his name engraved somewhere. Many have laughed and thought he was joking. Others have swooned at his masterpieces of genius musical talent. But this does not bother or stop him. Anything he does or plans to do is for and about Christine. He breathes that woman like she is his only source of air. Mock her and you will be hurt severely in some way; if you've read his famous novel, you would know he is a savage murderer. Just because you are in the form of pictures and text does not mean he won't find some way to harm you. You may want to keep your distance by any means.

HIDEOUSNESS :: A horrible accident in childhood has caused the Phantom to be crucially deformed in the face, so he shows this in the game through a bruised and open-wounded zombie pelt which he tries pitifully to hide behind through the beluga head; it was the closest thing to his favorite half-mask he cherishes like gold in his real world. And, atop his head as a crown, he weighs himself down heavily with the zombie antlers, which he views, as said, as the opening and closing curtains of acts upon a stage. Whether they are opening or closing for him, no one is for certain.

SETTING :: He is everywhere and nowhere at once. Though, if you are in desperation, you may want to try the ruins. From there, search for the stairs that lead down into and invisible basement and knock on the door at the bottom. This is the lair he hides in that no one has seen or heard of until now.

~ He is also referred to as Erik, O.G. (Opera Ghost), Fantome, or any other name that relates to such horrors.
~ If you should find any unknown doe, report it. Or, if you have one, mention it. He has a list in which he marks off all names that are obviously not Christine so as to narrow down his search.
~ He has a very cold body. Lay next to him or rub necks with him for too long and you may get a burn of ice.
Her's picture

BIG BROTHER. 8D <33 <3

<3 [kisses cheek] <3
Fantome's picture

...*turns away*

...*turns away*
fayne's picture


So cute. :3
Loop: -nuzzles- Poor little operadeer.
Aeros - The Storyteller
Naire - The Annoying Antlerdoe
Loop - The Vixen
Corsair - The Gentleman
Tunafish - Whosafish?

*Mystress bows in respect* I

*Mystress bows in respect* I love the Phantom of the Opera, always have. It is good to find another fan. Good to meet you finally Erik, but unfortunatly Mystresse's voice was taken away. Yet she would love to help you in your quest... Angel of Music.