I was clinging to Reed like crazy the other night...I hardly ever see him, and I was just in a bad way that night, so I was practically glued to him...
Heyy I recognise two there! But the ones with the two butterfly pelted deer are especially pretty. I really like these kind of edits, you should post more.
Haha Takeshidoee <3
I was tempted to make a joke about Takeshi actually being a woman, and having that Nightfall pelted fawn child with Lucian, but I didn't feel like typing text lD
The two butterfly pelted deer were me and Reed (:
I used Photoscape for these instead of GIMP, and I must say, I really like how they came out in it; much better than GIMP, actually.
I might post more, if I ever decide to take more screencaps. I have a picky eye for shots lD
I LOVE these. We all love
We all love Reed, don't we |D &hearts&hearts&hearts
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&hearts I was clinging to
I was clinging to Reed like crazy the other night...I hardly ever see him, and I was just in a bad way that night, so I was practically glued to him...
(No subject)
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Heyy I recognise two there!
Haha Takeshidoee <3
Mm, sleepover party + Doe
I was tempted to make a joke about Takeshi actually being a woman, and having that Nightfall pelted fawn child with Lucian, but I didn't feel like typing text lD
The two butterfly pelted deer were me and Reed (:
I used Photoscape for these instead of GIMP, and I must say, I really like how they came out in it; much better than GIMP, actually.
I might post more, if I ever decide to take more screencaps. I have a picky eye for shots lD
I love your edits, you make them so pretty. cstjyrvjcrsyy *grabby hands at skills*
fkskfksfksksfkskfsk &hearts ;;
I have always loved your
He was not amused. XDDD Lucian wasn't supposed to say anything about their fawn. :|