A Peace Within

Entered in September 2011

I will just add info little by little,
filling this blog with memories,
and without stress.

11th day of September, 2024

Mielikki has finally grown up!

1st day of September, 2024

I Haven't been that active nor haven't taken many screenies, buuuut it doesn't mean I have forgotten to update here ^^ Has been sick a few weeks now(?) but seems like i'm healing slowly, but surely! have been playing other games too, so it may be reason for me that I haven't been updating many screenshots lately.

Still Ten (10) days until Mielikki has grown up and the magic can finally stick with her, woohoo!

Also, I thought I would be joining to the rut this year, but seems like my IC mood has gotten sour in my mind and I can't, for the love of me, to bring any of my characters in the forest, maybe someday I can rp again, but for now I don't have any motivation to bring any of my characters in the forest. Mielikki is the only one who I feel the most calm and relaxed to bring and to be with.

Also added moodboard (pinterest)! ^^
I really love the moodboard I have created to her, it just scratch the right spot in my heart to bring some happiness and nostalgic feelings, I love it.

!!! I also noticed I have been in TEF for 13 years already! It has been a rollercoasted, but I still have stayed and enjoyed the game the way it was build for <3

27th day of August, 2024


So cozy <3

26th day of August, 2024


Had some fun running around and finally just chilling on the playground rocks!

20th day of August, 2024

It just feel so good to help someone newbie to get their first set and to help them choose what they would like to wear. It always makes me feel happy and smile to see when someone enjoys their set.

Also making some little edits for the blog, trying to make it more cozy and easy to read + I'm still so happy for the art-trade with Starling and how they drew Mielikki <3 Thank you so much Jess!

A little clearing: someone may notice the text "Entered in September 2011", it means that I started playing The Endless Forest that month and year. It is exact 1st day of September 2011 when I registered in the forest a first time and have been playing the game to this day. So Literally Mielikki is very old soul who just got a very fresh start. She is old spirit soul in The Endless Forest.

19th day of August, 2024


I have catch a cold, so it was very nice to have some company, thank you <3
Also, it has been so refreshing to have this nostalgic feeling to have these chill sitting-together moments within these few days (a week if I can add), so thank you who has been spending time gathering around other ooc (or half ic) players to just have fun and relax.

from left to right: Rindea (rinniekins), Barkley (janet), Mielikki (me), Seo (paperrwolf), BroadSandwich, Fjara (klownda).

There has been some other players who stayed with us too, but I haven't got a chance to take their names up, but hopefully will see them around again!

x x x

A little party before BroadSandwich had to leave.

18th day of August 2024

This update box will probably be for the screenshots from the forest and what is happening there, to seal and keeps those memories.

I may sometimes write down my own mind.

"The more time you spend with the nature,
the deeper your understanding of life will be."
-- Nitin Namdeo

Full name: Mielikki *
Name meaning: Finnish goddess of forests and the hunt;
Derived from the Finnish word "mielu", meaning "luck".

Day of Birth: 13.08.2024

Zodiac sign: Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Sagittarius rising.
- Chinese zodiac is Dragon.

Pronouns: She/her

Set In-game: Green luchador mask, Orca pelt, Default antlers with poppies, Fawn.

The old spirit has a new body.
A fawn, with full of happiness, desire to experience anything new
the soul is forever a child-like, ready to run around forever
An adventurer, to make others smile and feel happy

"happiness through my mind and heart"

"A whiff of forest scent,
Balsam and fern,
Won from dreary mood
My heart's return,
From its discontent,
Joy's run-away,
To the sweet, wise wood
And the laughing day."
-- Katharine Lee Bates

Arts from others

From Starling: x

Toyhou.se / Pinterest

Important Info
Mielikki is fully OOC - Out Of Character.
The reason why I created her is that I can enjoy the forest the way it is and with all of the other creatures whose are build and created in the forest. Seeking out those other ooc players and their creations to enjoy the forest together, having fun and sharing the memories we could create together.

I will not write lore nor fully write the personality of this spirit, because she is just a forest spirit in the magical forest. This creation is here for having fun and making those nostalgic memories to come back alive again.
I wouldn't mind chatting in the blog, but if you want to reach out without writing here, you can find me in discord: Leafylupus
CreditsJavascript base © Hraeth
Toggle tab © Unplugged
Tooltip hover © Shamiya

Starling's picture

Ahh yes, sitting here to soak

Ahh yes, sitting here to soak up all those nostalgic feelings. -track-

Thank you and stay as long as

Thank you and stay as long as you wish <3
I was thinking to maybe add updates here, but we will see, hmm...

Track!! Had a blast hanging

Track!! Had a blast hanging out lately, and I love the set you have for this fawn, it's gorgeous <3

signature by Atlas
forever sleepy

Thank you very much! Same! I

Thank you very much!
Same! I was so fun and thank you for the company <3
Hope we can have a lot of fun days ahead ^^
Pink's picture

track this, because you are

track this, because you are such a nice little cute one!!!!
I enjoy playing with you and the "Gang".
siggi by Sybilline

Thank you very much

Thank you very much Cu!
Really enjoying playing with you too,
so happy to see you around and as playful as always <3
Saturnia's picture


tracking <3

(No subject)


(No subject)


(No subject)

<3 !!!

Replying to newest update

Replying to newest update from yesterday-- just wanted to say that I hope you feel better health wise soon <3 always unfun, especially when it stretches for that long aah..

The moodboard for Mielikki is awesome.. the amount of classic TEF art took me back to childhood Laughing out loud awesome vibes <3

signature by Atlas
forever sleepy

Thank you very much for the

Thank you very much for the wishes <3
it seems like it is getting better, but the flu has been such a nuisance, hopefully it will be over soon!
Also i'm very happy the moodboard gave some nostalgic feeling from the old TEF art,
I really love them and they will always stay as my favorite arts from the game.
All the old TEF arts from everyone always brings a smile to my face
and the warmth feeling of good memories <3

hello i've had a lot of fun

i've had a lot of fun with our group today
honestly it was my very first interaction with other people here XD
i like the quotes in your biography

Hello there! I see you are a

Hello there! Smiling
I see you are a new player in the Forest?
If so, welcome to The Endless Forest! ^^

It has been very fun, just jumping around and giving some magic spells, haha.
Hopefully will catch you again, it has been very fun playing with you and the others!

yes i'm new started playing

yes i'm new
started playing yesterday
thank you very much

it's very interesting
the magic of the forest is still a big mystery to me XD
so many different spells

That is nice ^^ I hope you

That is nice ^^
I hope you will enjoy the forest and the magic it can make.
Keep watching and experiencing everything, there is a lot of things you haven't seen yet!
I can tell you that the forest is full of surprises, but I won't tell you what they are, you just have to see them Eye
Even if the game doesn't have anything like quests or combat or chat, the imagination will make it more fun and enjoyable!

Also, trying different masks, pelts and antlers are so fun.
Since the sets won't stay with the fawns very long,
but it won't take too long until your deer is adult and the magic will stick.

If you are curious what kind of set parts there is in the forest,
You can either try them yourself, or check this very helpful list from Keepiru
-- Complete Set List

(sadly, some of the set pieces you can't get yourself, since they are either given by the forest gods or if you are a backer to the game)

thank you for the list there

thank you for the list
there are a lot of sets that i haven't even seen in game yet
i think i already have a few favorites haha

i've had a great time with you today
hope to see you again soon
good night Smiling

Glad to hear it was helpful

Glad to hear it was helpful ^^
Can't wait to see what set parts you would pick up Eye
All the parts looks good together with each other.

I had a good time as well! thank you very much for the company.
Hopefully we will see around again Smiling
Good night for you too!

hello, nice to meet you

hello, nice to meet you again
i hope you're doing great

the mask spells were fun
some of them do scary noises XD
and i didn't knew that you turn into a frog when you enter the pond, haha

Hello, It was nice seeing you

Hello, It was nice seeing you too!
I saw you yesterday too sleeping with me and Rinniekins inside the mushroom circle,
sadly I was busy so couldn't move aroundand play , but thank you for the company ^^

If you moo when you are wear some specific masks, there will be different sound Eye
Haha the frog pong gives me giggles every time, always so nice little detail hehe

yes i was sleeping with you

yes i was sleeping with you for a while
but i wasn't sure why you not responding for so long
so i left after a while thought maybe i'm not welcome
but good to know that you were just busy Smiling

I'm very sorry it made you

I'm very sorry it made you feel like that Sad
Truly it wasn't my intention to make you feel unwelcome or ignored.
You are always welcome to sit with and I will make sure to search for your deer if we are in the forest at the same time!

Sometimes when I'm just sleeping in the forest and not moving, it means that I may be afk or just very busy at that moment
and sometimes I just keep the forest open while I do other stuff like play other video games a
Or drawing etc.

I got busy at the last evening too so that's why I had to sit down near the pond.
Pink's picture

Hi Ormiss, is christmas still

Hi Ormiss,
is christmas still your favourite time of the year? I hope so Eye
Will you be in TEF with Mielikki?
It would be so funny if you could be there (and Cu will still be excited!)
Maybe we can do a big cuddle line or circle or what ever?!
anyway, I hope to see you in TEF, maybe soon?

siggi by Sybilline

Hello Cu! I apologize since

Hello Cu!

I apologize since this will may come as confusing, but this account I'm currently writing with (Fernelescent) is the main accound of mine and the owner of Mielikki too ^^ I'm so sorry for making this all confusing, haven't been my intention!

I would love to bring Mielikki in game during Christmas, but sadly I'm not sure if my laptop will allow me to do so, since I will log Fernelescent in the forest during Christmas, and I will be away from my home to celebrate with my parents, but when I get back home, I can bring Mielikki in forest too ^^

I have been totally been waiting this event of the year and will enjoy the every second of it. I also really hope you and all the others too will enjoy the day, but also all the hugs for everyone who may have this event as with negative memories.

I also wish the forest will have some snowing with night sky Smiling

See you in the forest, Cu!

Art made by Saater

Pink's picture

Hi Fernelescent, I am such a

Hi Fernelescent,
I am such a dope sometimes. lol
maybe I should recognize this earlier if I pay more attention to it.
anymay I may be a nice guy but sometimes I am a bit silly too, Eye

I wish you all the best too, enjoy the days a lot and maby a dark night in TEF will be awsome!
see you little lovely one.
siggi by Sybilline

No worries at all! ^^ It's

No worries at all! ^^
It's totally okay and I can understand if it was hard to recognize, not your fault at all!

I wish you the best too and enjoy the Christmas and see you around <3

Art made by Saater