The Path from afar

Sandrilyona's picture
Rain was jogging through the Forest as usual. I guess she was searching for one particular fawn) Anyway it was quite an ordinary day... And then... Rain couldn't believe her eyes! She saw... she saw the End! of the Endless Forest! Well, not quite. When she came a bit closer it turned out she found some kind of an old Path... The Forest continued on the other side of it. But, was it magic of the Forest or was it some kind of a forbidden Path, Rain couldn't get anywhere near it, not to mention she wasn't able to cross it. She was already giving up and decided to leave this weird place, when something caught her eye. Someone was on the Path... A little girl, dressed in red hood was walking down it. Rain was curious. This is the first time she ever saw a human in the Forest! She tried to get the girl's attention by greeting her with her loud voice, but the girl didn't seem to hear or see her. Thats strange... Rain decided to follow the girl. She wanted to know where to this Path led anyway. But in a few minutes the girl stopped and... walked away from the Path to the side of the forest where Rain couldn't see or follow her. Rain was very much dissapointed. And maybe it was just her, but the Forest on the other side of the Path was much darker and gloomier then on her own side. She couldn't possibly get what could attract a small girl without fear to walk there. Rain had a bad feeling about this! She wished she could stop the girl or at least go with her and protect her...
- You can't, she has to learn her lesson on her own... - a voice said
Rain turned around quicky. She didn't sense or her her, but somehow, she stood there - another girl, a bit older than the one in the hood. She had a black skin, big clever eyes... She was dressed in white...
- Her lesson? But it might be dangerous out there!!!
- Yes, in fact it is... But she'll be ok.
- Who are you? - Rain asked.
- Oh, my name is Auriea.
- Its an unusual name...- Rain didn't know what else to say.
The girl's face suddenly turned sad...
- I am a memory. I'm just a memory.. But I have such a huge responsibility... i'm sorry, I have to go!
And Auriea easily crossed the invisable wall, that kept Rain from getting to the Path, crossed it and dissapeared in the Forest on the other side. Rain shivered... She turned around and galoped back to the Forest grounds she actually knew.
'Gorsh, after this, even The Ruin won't seem so creepy...' thought Rain...
fayne's picture

This was my favorite so far.

This was my favorite so far. Very creepy. : D
Sandrilyona's picture

Try my Voice in the mist

Try my Voice in the mist story XD