Over and over again

"Jareth if it comes down to it ............I'll go with Jeremy"
she said pacing back and forth in her room
"Jareth you love me as a friend and seems that is all sooo it should benefit the kingdom if I"she shook her head and pressed her fingures into her temple.

"I don't want to go but if it means you'll be safe it's worth it "she whispered
If she waited any longer she would loose her nerve.
Even though she didn't know what to say she had to tell him about the threat.It would help in protecting him and the castle.

She sighed as she went to seek out the Goblin King her complexion was paler that usually and her blue eyes looked like they had grey in them.For they often reflected her mood.

Her small steps could be heard which she thought was unusual since the goblins were normally making racket.

"Your Highness there is somthing I need to tell you"she spoke with his title so that he might know that it was something serious.She looked at the ground so that he could not see her eyes or very much of her face.

I could kick myself

I could kick myself
MickKreiger's picture

And the reason for that would

And the reason for that would be?

I just remembered that I

I just remembered that I wanted her to meet Jeremy's parents before the whole I'm coming back to win your heart in 3 months thing.

whooo writing ♥ asdf

whooo writing ♥

asdf Sierra, so conflicted D:

I'll be typing up a roleplay response to this at...somepoint.

Also perhaps you could write the meeting of Jeremy's parents as if it's set beforehand? I dunno.

Yeah but that was ruined

Yeah but that was ruined because she would have to go to the dragon kingdom and since Jeremy statred acting like a jerk that just doesn't seem possible.

Can't wait to read it.

Do I tell him or do I run around with a chicken hat.hmmmm decisions decisions.