oOo°oO fan art deer o°oO°

this is for Flyleaf I hope you enjoy (:

the next will Solaya ^^

other will come in the future (:

Very cool! I love those

Very cool! I love those antlers, and the expression...awsome..and very thoughtful! it is the thought that counts, to! Smiling
If you cant amaze them with your personality, amaze them with stupidity.
Flyleaf's picture

Ca me touche beaucoup que tu

Ca me touche beaucoup que tu a dessiné mon cerf Shocked
C'est tellement beau ! J'adore !
Merci mille fois!
I am speechless. ! Soooo beautiful Eye
ILU Smiling:-)Smiling:-)Smiling:-)
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
snowbell's picture

O_O omg ur style is so epic

ur style is so epic the anotamy and everything @_@

this is epic as pic -gives trophy-

-> Splintered : thank you to

-> Splintered : thank you to you your comment makes me happy ^^
-> Flyleaf : I'm glad you like ! (:
-> Snowbell : thank you very much ^^
Solaya's picture

J'aime tellement

J'aime tellement <3 On dirait que ses bois sont des branches d'arbres, de meme pour son masque ^^ Sa fourrure me rappelle les épines de sapin, et en même temps, ça m'a l'air doux, j'aime beaucoup (: Beau travail ! <3

Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Snowsauria's picture

Lovely. I especially like how

Lovely. I especially like how you did the antlers. <3
Vala 's picture

Thats lovely , !!

Thats lovely , !!<<33
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

I love this so much

I love this so much :'o

-> Solaya: yay thank you yes

-> Solaya: yay thank you yes it is really what I wanted to represent (: <3
-> SnowSauria: thank you to you ^^
-> Vala: thank you ^-^
-> 3linmaya: nice thank you (:
Pink's picture

Hi Zikos, thats an amazing

Hi Zikos, thats an amazing picture. I like the style (like painting with pencil) And I really like the expression of the picture. On the one side he looks so fearless and on the other side he looks so injured. Hm. I never see Flyleaf from this point. Sometimes you need some stimulation from others.
OK, thats my impression, but like I sad before, I like it!
see you
siggi by Sybilline
Abina's picture

I love the design is

I love the design is beautiful face, very beautiful