J'aime tellement <3 On dirait que ses bois sont des branches d'arbres, de meme pour son masque ^^ Sa fourrure me rappelle les épines de sapin, et en même temps, ça m'a l'air doux, j'aime beaucoup (: Beau travail ! <3
-> Solaya: yay thank you yes it is really what I wanted to represent (: <3
-> SnowSauria: thank you to you ^^
-> Vala: thank you ^-^
-> 3linmaya: nice thank you (:
Hi Zikos, thats an amazing picture. I like the style (like painting with pencil) And I really like the expression of the picture. On the one side he looks so fearless and on the other side he looks so injured. Hm. I never see Flyleaf from this point. Sometimes you need some stimulation from others.
OK, thats my impression, but like I sad before, I like it!
see you
Very cool! I love those
Ca me touche beaucoup que tu
C'est tellement beau ! J'adore !
Merci mille fois!
I am speechless. ! Soooo beautiful
O_O omg ur style is so epic
ur style is so epic the anotamy and everything @_@
this is epic as pic -gives trophy-
-> Splintered : thank you to
-> Flyleaf : I'm glad you like ! (:
-> Snowbell : thank you very much ^^
J'aime tellement
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Lovely. I especially like how
Thats lovely , !!
♥ ♥
I love this so much
-> Solaya: yay thank you yes
-> SnowSauria: thank you to you ^^
-> Vala: thank you ^-^
-> 3linmaya: nice thank you (:
Hi Zikos, thats an amazing
OK, thats my impression, but like I sad before, I like it!
see you
I love the design is