OOC - Info

Edited: 24th April 2024


Female | she/her | January 31st | Aquarius

OOC - Leafylupus#4972

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Pinterest - Toyhou.se - Tumblr - Steam

Memorable Souls

Rindea Horna Benjamin Sirius Starling
Ette Cu Tuo Vee Elteria
Goro'ma Severon Kumu Adolf Zioomka
Sanga Feofan Tavra

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Forest Map

Tuo's picture

(No subject)



Welcome <3
Starling's picture


Hi <3

Hello there

Hello there <3
rabbanim's picture

track >:3

track >:3

Magnificent art by 7FinalGirl8 (Hagal)

Eeee welcome welcome! ^^

Eeee welcome welcome! ^^
Urschanabi's picture

Happy birthday, Hauta (and

Happy birthday, Hauta (and yet another track from me)!
Really glad that you've been here for all these years.
Let all your days in the forest be merry and filled with the warmest cuddlepiles, the highest deer towers, the longest dance lines, the craziest partys and the funniest spell-spamming games!

Signature © Draak

Ursch!! thank you very much

Ursch!! thank you very much <3
I'm always very happy to see you too and may the silly playing still continue! ^^

This is quite the Bad Hair

This is quite the Bad Hair Day party, I thank you and your friends for the invite. Fancy.

It was very fun and wild,

It was very fun and wild, thank you for joining! Glad to have you here.

bump for better css and info.
HeartClock's picture


Sig by Lathyrus. ♥


^^ <3 hello!

i love you!

i love you!

Love you too

Love you too <3
Starling's picture

This page is lovely

This page is lovely <33

Aaaa thank you Starling!

Aaaa thank you Starling! <3

The layout smells good in

The layout smells good in here.
Thank you for the company by Fly's tree some time ago. I was busy, but I appreciated.

Woop, sorry I forgot to

Woop, sorry I forgot to answer for this, but thanks!
also you're welcome. Smiling
Urschanabi's picture

Your screenshots give me

Your screenshots give me life. How are they always so good??

Signature © Draak

I'm happy to hear you enjoy

I'm happy to hear you enjoy them as much as I do! ^^
I always get so high nostalgic vibe when I see screenshots from the forest.



Oh my, helloo there! I'm sooo

Oh my, helloo there! I'm sooo happy to see you again in forest ;w; How are you doing?
also is there any way to contact you? o: if not, that's okey ^^

Haha, hello again old friend!

Haha, hello again old friend! I'm also happy that I can see you again in the forest!! I had on thoughts this game for so long time. I was keep checking sometimes my tracked blogs lol; and what people doing here in this game. When I was playing this game, I was a kid around 11-13 year old ;;. Now, I'm adult and still remember about The Endless Forest and people here lmao. And what about you? How are you doing? Yea, there is a way to contact me idk what I should write XD, I have discord account or e-mail, lol idk really

Awww, I have been thinking

Awww, I have been thinking about you a few times like how you doing etc, but very happy to see you here again. Oh I know that feeling, the old times, nostalgic when we are were just little youngers and then now. I'm glad you still make visits to the forest and no need to worry about not finding anyone in the forest, i will probably stay here as long as the forest is running, I can't leave this game since it's like part of my life now, a place I can call a home. Also i'm doing just fine... Missing old tef friends at some point and always happy to see the old faces around.

You can add me in discord: Leafylupus#4972

aww! very kind of you to

aww! very kind of you to thinking about me! thank you so much ^^ so happy that i could saw a familiar face here, nostalgic. I will add you on discord : D

edit: lol, I tried to add you on dc and I couldn't idk why, so here is my name: wruttuwr#4809


Yes <3
Ah I probably had the option that only friend friends can add me lol, got you!

The white enamel fish is well

The white enamel fish is well done! Pleasant and calm page <3

The fish is very beautiful I

The fish is very beautiful I agree with that ^^ It is made by Whiskeybeast.
Thank you very much! <3
Pink's picture

Hey Hauta, good to see you in

Hey Hauta, good to see you in TEF.
its still interesting to see how you do magic things :-0 LOL

siggi by Sybilline

Ah, so sorry for this late

Ah, so sorry for this late reply. I truly haven't seen your comment, my apologies!
How you have been Cu? Haven't seen you in forest, or maybe hav, but for like very short time. I hope you are doing okey ^^
Pink's picture

Hey Hautakumpu, its been a

Hey Hautakumpu,
its been a long time we didn´t met in forest, but today Cu and me were both surprised to see you!!!
such a pleasure for me; I was really happy to see a good old friend and you were willing to play too.
who was the other deer? his name is kahlil or so? I know him but I´m not sure.
see you!!! sweet one Eye
siggi by Sybilline

It was very nice to see you

It was very nice to see you today and had some little fun together ^^
Oh yes, the other one is one if my oldest TEF friends who just came back to the forest : D Hopefully we all can play together again. See you around too!
Starling's picture

(No subject)



Starling <33