The one behind Raku...

Kanaf's picture

My name is Deanna
My birthday is March 22
My age is 16
My hair is dark dark brown
My eyes are hazel
My siblings are two older brothers
My clothes are tanks tanks tanks!
My language is English, and some Spanish
My genetics are Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, German, a little more in that area

I'm very very shy to new people, and won't talk to them unless they talk to me first. I like my alone time, which most people don't understand, but I do, and I hate being interrupted. I enjoy any time of peace I can possibly attain, no matter where it is. I love nature, and try to preserve as much life as possible. I'm strongly opposed to killing bugs unless they're a threat or if you use the body (translation: eat it). I'm also very artistic and I see beauty in most things, even when others find them ugly. I've become somewhat cold after a long, trying experience with love (or lack thereof). But I'm sure once someone actually shows me they care, I'll warm up again.

I have a wide variety of interest. Drawing, making plushies, collecting dragons, and watching movies are the hobbies that come to mind first. I'm also a bit of an obsessor over some things. Some long running obsessions are Cyborg 009 (anime), Death Note (anime), The Endless Forest of course, dragons (collecting them), and my newest, Hetalia (anime). My obsessions always die down after a while, but part of me will always be attached to them for a long long time.

I have well over 100 dragons crammed in my room, but I haven't counted recently.
I have many plushies that I've made myself, and I can't bear to let any of them go.
My floor is always littered in notebooks and sketchbooks.
I'm obsessed with roleplaying and crack convos.
People don't like how antisocial I am. I would rather call myself "peacefully aware".
I have a physical problem, but I don't tell anyone outside my family what it is. Maybe someday I'll tell someone, but who knows.
I have a weird hunger schedule.
I'm a nightowl.
I'm an auntie 8D
I'm very very single, but I have a feeling this might change next year.
I'm quite the rambler XD
Sometimes I never make sense but I don't have the patience to explain myself.
I have never beaten a single video game (unless you count Pokemon)
I think I should stop listing random crap now.
Draak's picture

I'm strongly opposed to

I'm strongly opposed to killing bugs unless they're a threat
ok I'm not the only one who is like that xD. I will not kill spiders, if I see moths inside I try and catch them and let them outside, I wont squash the little flying random insects that land on you while you walk...
But there is one insect that gets no sympathy...the Mosquito 8| rotten little buggers. Flies too.

o_o I'm surprised I dont talk to you more often, we're rather alike xD

:B I have "Get up to final boss and forget about the game"itis. Dont know why I do that but..yeah |D. Or there's the "collect this many things and such and such to earn %100" and I just tire of it, unless I really like the game.


DraakxMitra C:

FACT: Dannii loves you. <3

FACT: Dannii loves you.

<3 Ilu.

-- Dannii <3

Fenqua's picture

Ow Raku, I love you <33

Ow Raku, I love you <33 -hugs that picture-

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Her's picture

RAKUUU you are the most

RAKUUU you are the most adorable person on the face of the earth D8> <33 AHH. also Cyborg 009 whydoIthinkI'veheardofthat. bawwWW -GOOGLES- ANYWAY. ...WE'RE 100% ALIKE WOAH.

I'll take the appropriate action.