Once upon a time...

ThetaSigma's picture
The fawn found her way into the Endless Forest yesterday. Once she was there, she was unsure of how she could ever be somewhere else, given that it just seems to go on into forever. The Forest was so peaceful, she was also unsure of why she would ever want to be anywhere else.

She met some other deer in the forest and greeted them with a dance. They were pleasant enough to dance with her! The fawn caught a smell on the breeze and made her way to a lake, the air humming with croaking. There was a small herd of fawns playing about the lake; she ran with them for a short time, but none of them wanted to dance with her. She slept the night on the bridge over the river.

The next day, the foal met P. It was almost as if she knew him somehow, in some other life. They danced and frolicked, he showed her the wonders of the Endless Forest. She looks forward to seeing P more, however, she would also like to make new deer friends as well. Especially ones who like to play!

hello ^_^ feel free to come

hello ^_^ feel free to come say hello to any one of my deer!
p's picture

We are so glad to have you!

We are so glad to have you!
keepspeeps's picture

Liten fawn. It must've been

Liten fawn. It must've been you, who sought me out out;running to me with P. What an adorable sight! I hope that Su-mi lifted your spirits. We played in De Drinkplaats and by the flowers. Stay close to P.

Hello, and welcome!
Keeps loves Fay.