old times, new friend [screenies]

Ourania's picture
Haven't done one of these in a long time. Goofed around with Fly and Kid some and decided to take some screenshots :B I should start doing this again.

Oura looks like she's about to buck Fly and he's all "OnO;;;" and Kid is like "Please don't back into me D8!!" LOL

Flyleaf's picture

Woaaa...Oura can really jump

Woaaa...Oura can really jump high Shocked
Lol...The fifth.screenie .....Oura is ready to overtake Fly Laughing out loud
Wonderful screenies Exclaim
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Djavu's picture

lol these are great!

lol these are great! xD
should definitely have more times like these