Haha that's crazy. It certainly does look like my Silva, but. Hm. I had a computer restart a few minutes ago, and Silvamord was still there from before (so I was walking around, but I was somewhere else in the Forest too- trippy O.o) so that might've had something to do with it. But idk. I know Azure and Jettem and a couple others were fairly confused by seeing two Silvamords in one area XD
That explains it then. I saw my own pictogram above him, so I knew it was me- but everyone else saw that cross, I'm guessing? Hah. The wonders of having an epic fail computer /shot
That is a weird picto.
If I remember correctly
~{Greer}~ ~{Sie}~ ~{Achak}~
Haha that's crazy. It
~Meet Silvamord~~Meet Beliar~
The "Pixel Me" fawn picto.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
That explains it then. I saw
~Meet Silvamord~~Meet Beliar~
Well then the weird thing
~{Greer}~ ~{Sie}~ ~{Achak}~
=O Lolwhut Hm. Maybe it was
Hm. Maybe it was actually ME with the cross sign, and the disconnected Silvamord had my actual pictogram. Either way, it's freaky XD
~Meet Silvamord~~Meet Beliar~
Spooky XDDD /shot ~{Greer}~
~{Greer}~ ~{Sie}~ ~{Achak}~