
eternalslumber's picture

Just saw this deer a few minutes ago, at first I thought it was Silvamord, but I saw it had that special picto! xD
ocean's picture

That is a weird picto.

That is a weird picto. Someone else saw it once too. Shocked
eternalslumber's picture

If I remember correctly

If I remember correctly there were three deer in total with this same picto~ Michael and Auriea must've had something to do with them...?

~{Greer}~ ~{Sie}~ ~{Achak}~

Haha that's crazy. It

Haha that's crazy. It certainly does look like my Silva, but. Hm. I had a computer restart a few minutes ago, and Silvamord was still there from before (so I was walking around, but I was somewhere else in the Forest too- trippy O.o) so that might've had something to do with it. But idk. I know Azure and Jettem and a couple others were fairly confused by seeing two Silvamords in one area XD

Pegasicorn's picture

The "Pixel Me" fawn picto.

The "Pixel Me" fawn picto. It tends to show up if there's something wrong with your connection.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."

That explains it then. I saw

That explains it then. I saw my own pictogram above him, so I knew it was me- but everyone else saw that cross, I'm guessing? Hah. The wonders of having an epic fail computer /shot

eternalslumber's picture

Well then the weird thing

Well then the weird thing was that I saw him walking away and when I bellowed at him and bowed he turned around and shook his head no XD

~{Greer}~ ~{Sie}~ ~{Achak}~

=O Lolwhut Hm. Maybe it was

=O Lolwhut
Hm. Maybe it was actually ME with the cross sign, and the disconnected Silvamord had my actual pictogram. Either way, it's freaky XD

eternalslumber's picture

Spooky XDDD /shot ~{Greer}~

Spooky XDDD /shot

~{Greer}~ ~{Sie}~ ~{Achak}~