December 9, 2009 - 2:43am — Emiva
Well, it certainly has been a long time! Gosh... I miss you all so much.. Life has been so very hectic. I see the new 2010 calendar has come out. It seems like just yesterday to me when we were all excited and getting ready for the 2009 one... -sigh-
Everything here looks so different! I remember when we were all suggesting the site get a new layout and format, with separate categories on blogs... looks like all that happened. Good job!
It kind of pains me how I've missed out on so much exciting change... So so so many new people... I haven't been in the forest at all, that has probably changed as well. Would anyone take the time to explain to me some things to help me get back in the circle here... I'm thinking of becoming an active member again, like I used to be... gosh. Seems like such a long time ago. But what really inspired me to seeking out this site again was a dream I had last night. Such a very odd dream. allwell.
I hope to meeting my old friends again and definately making new ones. Anyone, please, introduce yourselves! :3
Emiva <3
(No subject)
EMIVA. Sup. 8] We have
Sup. 8]
We have version 3.3 now. *flails* There's a fountain! And ravens! And BUNNIES! 8D
Gosh Mysti... everything is
@Pega: WHUUUTTTT?? @__@;;; HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT. -throws book at self-
Lol if you have MSN or want
Hiya, I believe we have not
oh, and welcome back!
HEY&hearts You came at a
You came at a time of a little conflict, but I'm hoping it'll all pass..
Welcome back~
{Click to view Nine's bio}
It's a little disorienting at
Also, welcome back! I was thinking about you the other day, glad to hear from you again. 8D
@Pickles: I think I love your
@Nine: Ahh, There's always some conflict or drama going around on facebook. x] Whats it this time?
@Celtic: Lets go on facebook. (:
@Fleder: You don't know how many times I've thought about you all while I was away. How long has the site been like this?
Hai! c8 *waves*
XD thank you!
@Pickles: My favorite food. :B
Oh just a few weeks, C: I
*gasp!* mine too!
Uh Hi c:
-gives a dandelion- oiyoooo~
BTW ppl, I got a laptop for
No sign of Anzel at all, I presume? Ahwell. I talk to her on aim plenty enough anyways. -pssh-
@Pickles: Ohmylord! We must be soul mates! x]
Hi Her. C:
congrats on the new labtop!
we must be! X'D
-eats confetti- Any new
Any new pelts added to the forest?
@Directed towards anyone who might know: Do Isis and Martisol and Dannii ever come on anymore? Or.... Thsai.. :B..
no new pelts that i know of,
I'm great...mostly! 8D Last I
Welcome back, Emiva!
Nice to meet you, Emiva! I
Isis, Martisol, and Dannii do
There is Secret Santa going on, but the names were given out on the 1st, so it's too late to sign up. D=
@Yorres: Thank you.
Ookani: Nice to meet you as well! And thanks, I love Botticelli. :3
@Pega: Ahh thats okay. It's fun to watch, anyways. I don't feel like a contributed enough coming December to deserve to really participate anyways. |3; I'll think of something special to do celebrating the holidays. :3
Hello Emiva! We've missed