Oh, my!

Hero's picture
I haven't been here in ages. D8 What is wrong with me? I went along doodling some dear the other day and was all like, "I should stop by." :]

I hope to put some pictures up again....eventually.

As a side note for anyone who reads this: I'm Xavier on iscribble. I'm usually on there a lot....by myself..I get bored....

I'm a loser. xD
Emiva's picture

Hello ^__^ ~ EMIVA'S

Hello ^__^


Deer700's picture

I don't think I know you,

I don't think I know you, but.. welcome back? XD
I'm Perplex on iScribble =P
perp + jadine = <3 I wont give up =)
Perplex' Bio.
Mio's Bio.

HAI THERE 8D -- Dannii <3


-- Dannii <3
Hero's picture

Haha, hellos everybody!

Haha, hellos everybody! Cool