Oh... It's me. :D

Hello, all! Laughing out loud I am Zovani, and I've just been lurking on the site until now.... So, uh... Yes. I figured I should introduce myself and try to make some new friends. :3 I haven't really visited the forest much lately, but I think I'm getting more and more addicted. >__>

I'd like to start compiling a bio for my deer, but I don't even have him named yet. >__>;; Any suggestions? (I'll take a nice screenshot and add it here in the near future.)

I'm also a fairly artsy person, and I've seen the tiny pixel-pictos floating around, so I decided to make one. xD

And... I suppose that's it. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. c:
Emiva's picture

Welcome Zovani! *hands out

Welcome Zovani! *hands out yet another Tshirt with TEF logo and tacky visor with stickers on it* My name is Emiva, and if you have any questions about anything anyone on the site would be glad to answer. *shakes hand*

That pixel-picto is amazing. How did you do that? XD



Hello, Emiva, and thank you!

Hello, Emiva, and thank you! -puts T-shirt and visor on- :3 It's very nice to meet you. -shakes back- ^^

Thanks very much, I doodled it up in Photoshop with a 1 pixel pencil tool. Laughing out loud It only took a few minutes since it was so small... And my picto is fairly simple. xD
Pegasicorn's picture

Welcome to the Forest! =]

Welcome to the Forest! =] *sees pixel-picto* I think I've seen you around before, at least on the Live Map.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo

Thank you! c: I'm usually

Thank you! c: I'm usually dancing or running in circles... I'm a spastic deer, oh my. xD